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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of September 8, 2024)

Sharon, Gail and Sue participated in God's Work Our Hands Sunday! Thank you to all who worked Sunday afternoon or who brought in equipment for use! Lots of photos of lots of good work can be found in this week's news!

Last Week

Living Faith gifted our young families with Spark Story Bibles and presented Jess Kopperud, who will begin Confirmation instruction, with a Lutheran Study Bible during our Sunday morning worship time. Thank you to Pastor Halaas for walking all through their new Bibles! Thank you to Gail Kass for accompanying us in worship, Angela Catton for live-streaming our service, Tim Kass for ushering, Kari Kopperud for assisting with Communion and Jim and Sandy Heeren for greeting worshipers at the door!

Kinley and Anniston Van Otterloo and Casey Mack open their new Bibles!

The Van Otterloo, Mack, and Shipley Families receive their new Bibles.

Pastor Halaas and families dig into their new Bibles!
Jess unwraps his Confirmation Bible!
Jess broke in his new Bible by reading the psalm for the day with Pastor Halaas!

Following worship, Living Faith gathered in the Fellowship Hall to enjoy a pizza meal together before our afternoon of God's Work Our Hands!

Thank you, Living Faith, for the cake and wishes for celebrating another trip around the sun!

After our pizza luncheon, Living Faith got down to work on our God's Work Our Hands projects! In gratitude to our PUCC friends for their generosity and hospitality to Living Faith, we worked on freshening up around the church property. Our first project was to refresh the trim on the portico. Thank you to Mark Juhl for supplying the scaffolding which was a blessing for our painting project! Thank you to Tim Kass for picking up the paint and everyone who brought brushes, tarps, and scrapers for this project. Members scraped and applied a fresh coat of paint on a breezy day which made for comfortable outside work!

PUCC members joined Living Faith-ers to work on the projects for the afternoon. Audrey Scholten provided direction for the inside projects. In the sanctuary, the church pews were cleaned along with the woodwork in the chancel area. Furnishings in the narthex were polished up and tables and chairs in the Fellowship Hall were given a cleaning!

A couple more outside projects were to get the pea gravel raked back into the playset area and to do some weeding around the church's landscaping!

Thank you to ALL who came out to celebrate God's Work Our Hands Sunday working together to thank the PUCC for welcoming Living Faith into their midst!

Next Week

Pastor Halaas will lead worship in the Chapel of the Presbyterian Church (858 7th Ave. SE) at 11:00 Sunday morning. Park in the rear of the parking lot and enter through the door with the Living Faith logo. Turn left at the end of the hallway and the chapel doors are located at the far end of that hallway on your right. Dawn Richards will accompany us on the piano, Debbie Gibson will read scripture and Marley Stream will assist with Holy Communion. If you would like to greet people at the door, please let Kay know! See you in church!

This coming Sunday, Faith + Fellowship has been invited to attend the coffee time with our PUCC friends in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00.

During this hour we will visit and become more acquainted with the members of the PUCC!

Acoustic Storytime will be at Rejoice! Church on Saturday, September 14 at 7:00. Dave and Robin Grosenheider have graciously donated tickets to any Living Faith member who would like to attend. Please contact Robin or stop to see her at Hotopp's for a ticket to this uplifting event!

The Noah's Ark Carnival is Sunday, September 15 from 3 - 5 PM at the PUCC. This carnival is for the children and families of Noah's Ark preschool. Members of the preschool board, the PUCC and Living Faith will help to set up, man the booths, and tear down. If you would like to help and haven't signed up, let Kay know and she will give you information as to the help yet needed!

S'more And Ashes will be Sunday, September 22 at 6:00 at the Municipal Park! Bring your lawn chairs!

Here's a heads up on some early October happenings!

Sunday, October 6 - Worship at 10:00 at Hillview Recreation Area near Hinton with the members of the PUCC! Meal to follow.

Sunday, October 13 - Living Faith members will begin to hold weekly worship in the Sanctuary of the PUCC at 11:00!

Thank you to everyone from Living Faith and the PUCC who donated to the underwear drive conducted over the past few Sundays. This drive will benefit the elementary students at Le Mars Community School!

Member donations and the Thrivent grant we received allowed this final tally: 54 packages of boys' and girls' underwear of various sizes and a few pairs of boys' and girls' shorts and girls' leggings! All these gifts were delivered to Rhonda Lassen, school nurse for Clark, Franklin, and Kluckhohn schools!

Please keep in prayer:

Marilynn - Sister-in-law of Rich and Jean Ziettlow

Ali - Julie Hurt's sister

Karin - Ted Hallberg's sister

Gladys - Julie Hurt's grandmother

The Living Faith brother or sister you are praying for



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