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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of September 15, 2024)

These new banners will be used in our new worship space in the sanctuary of the PUCC on October 13!

Last Week

New banners were unveiled which will be used when Living Faith moves into the Sanctuary space at the Presbyterian United Church of Christ on October 13 for our 11:00 AM worship! The welcome banner will be located in the narthex welcoming worshipers into the Sanctuary. If you look closely, you will see words in the background of this banner. These are words which members submitted when asked on a Facebook posting to describe Living Faith! The larger banners will be placed in the Sanctuary. Thank you to Angela Catton for designing and facilitating the production of these new banners to enhance our worship!

Thank you to Pastor Halaas for presiding over our worship service on Sunday. Pastor Halaas spoke to the question of: "Who do you say that I (Jesus) am?" Jesus is: my friend, a rock and anchor, eyes to a bigger world, the Messiah - the fulfillment of God saving God's people, someone unexpected in His compassion and His passion, and the One who invites.

Thank you to Debbie Gibson for reading scripture for us during the service and to Marley Stream for assisting with Holy Communion. Thank you also to Dawn Richards for accompanying us on the piano, Angela Catton for live-streaming our service, and Tim Kass for ushering for us.

During our worship service, the Rathke family and the Odens family received their Spark Story Bibles from Living Faith!

Next Week

We are winding down our time in the Chapel so plan to join us for worship there at 11:00! We are located within the walls of the Presbyterian United Church of Christ (858 7th Ave. SE)!

Pastor Halaas will lead us in worship and Gail Kass will accompany us. Please let Kay know if you would like to read Scripture, assist with Holy Communion, or greet people at the door!

Join us Sunday at 10:00 in the Fellowship Hall of the PUCC! While we are waiting for the PUCC members to come in, we will gather around the table for sharing of highs and lows and looking at Sunday's Gospel if there is time. Plan to put on a nametag and get to know our PUCC friends for the remainder of the hour over a cup of coffee!

S'mores and Ashes on Sunday!

Come to the Municipal Park on Sunday, September 22 at 6:00 PM for S'mores & Ashes where we will burn our Palm Sunday branches to make ashes for Ash Wednesday 2025!

Then we will enjoy some s'mores over the bonfire which will be built by our bonfire master, Dell Ferguson! Lemonade and s'more fixings will be provided! Please bring a lawn chair to sit around the fire!

When the fire has died down, parents who are interested in having their children receive First Communion instruction will meet briefly with Pastor Halaas to get information about this. Children ages 2 and up can be a part of this instruction!

Upcoming October Events!

Worship at Hillview in Hinton on October 6!

Living Faith is invited to attend worship with the PUCC at Hillview Park in Hinton on Sunday, October 6th at 10:00. This service will feature the PUCC praise band, Grace Notes, and Holy Communion.

Following worship, a potluck meal will be served. For this meal, the main dish of pulled pork sandwiches or pulled pork nachos will be served. Please bring a side dish or a dessert along with your table service of plates, forks, napkins and glassware if you plan to stay for the meal!

Living Faith Worships in the PUCC Sanctuary beginning October 13!

Find this sign in the PUCC narthex when you come to worship on October 13 at 11:00!

We will have special music for this service along with an announcement of something new at Living Faith from your Leadership Team!

We'd love to see you in worship on the 13th!

Le Mars Chamber Coffee - October 16

Living Faith and the Presbyterian United Church of Christ will be, together, hosting a Chamber Coffee (now known as a Community Coffee) on Wednesday, October 16 from 9:30 - 10:30 AM. We are in need of 3 people to serve as greeters - one outside near the front door to direct people where to go, one in the narthex to direct people into the Sanctuary and one in the Sanctuary directing people into the Fellowship Hall for refreshments and conversation. Pastor Jan and Kay will talk about their churches and ministries at 10:00. A PowerPoint about Living Faith and the PUCC will run during the coffee hour. Plan to come out if you're free to be with our friends and neighbors!

Living Faith helps with Noah's Ark Carnival!

On Sunday, several members of Living Faith manned booths at Noah's Ark Carnival and some members enjoyed all the carnival activities! Here are some photos showing the fun of the afternoon!

Thank you to all who helped with this fun event for the preschool!

We lift up prayers for:

Marilynn - Sister-in-law of Rich and Jean Ziettlow

Gladys - Grandmother of Julie Hurt

Ali - Sister of Julie Hurt

Karin - Sister of Ted Hallberg

The family of Dennis and Nancy Zubrod who mourn the passing of Dennis' mother

The Living Faith brother or sister you are praying for

Church is for everyone!

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Living Faith Lutheran Church

P.O. Box 1514 | LeMars, Iowa

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