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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of September 1, 2024)

Living Faith goes to work this coming Sunday!

Last Week

Pastor Halaas brought the message from the book of James that yes, we are saved FROM something but also FOR something: we are to be doers of the Word, not hearers only! Be watchful that our religious practices do not get in the way of loving God and loving our neighbor!

Thank you to Pastor Halaas, Mike Rathke, Tim Kass, Karen Schroeder, Angela Catton and Kay Michaelson for their part in our Sunday worship!

Next Week

Living Faith will be presenting its families with Spark Story Bibles and our new Confirmation student with the Lutheran Study Bible.

Gail Kass will be at the piano for us, Kari Kopperud will help to serve Holy Communion, and Jim and Sandy Heeren will greet you at the door. If you would like to read Scripture on Sunday, please contact Kay.

Following worship, we will meet in the Fellowship Hall for a pizza lunch to fuel us up for an afternoon of God's Work Our Hands! Please bring a dessert to share!  The Leadership Team will provide everything else for our meal!

Our God's Work Our Hands projects will immediately follow our pizza feed! In gratitude to our PUCC friends for welcoming us into their midst, we will do some sprucing up projects around the church! Here are the projects planned, outdoor projects weather permitting:

  1. The front portico can use a refreshing and so we will be painting the trim there. Rumor has it that Mark Juhl will be bringing in his scaffolding to paint two of the sides, so if you are ladder averse, you will still be able to help out with painting thanks to Mark! Bring any rollers, tarps, scrapers you may have and bring clothing you don't mind getting paint on.

  2. The play area has an amount of pea gravel that has made its way out of the structure and so this needs to be raked back into the outlined area. Please bring rakes to help with this task.

  3. There are areas inside the church that need tending:

    1. Narthex - Wiping down the doors into the sanctuary, polishing the table with the marble top, fixing the brace on the marble table, and cleaning the display case

    2. Sanctuary - Dusting and polishing the pews, polishing the baptismal font, railings and pulpit

    3. Fellowship Hall - Washing down the tabletops and wiping down and cleaning the chairs.

      Please bring rags and buckets for these projects.

Plan on blocking out an hour and a half to two hours to our God's Work Our Hands projects!

Sunday is the last day to donate new underwear for the boys and girls in the Le Mars Community schools' elementaries.

The nurse's offices in all three buildings are in need of underwear and Living Faith is holding a drive to meet those needs.

Boys' small underwear and gym shorts are especially needed.

Kim Lang has secured a Thrivent grant for $250 which we will use to purchase sizes needed to round out a good amount for all ages. Thank you, Kim, for applying for this grant!

Our donations will be delivered to Rhonda Lassen, elementary school nurse, the week of September 9.

Come to Room 103 at the PUCC for coffee, conversation and Bible Study on Sunday morning at 10:00!

Confirmation classes will begin on Wednesday, September 11, at 7:00 at St. John Lutheran Church, Akron. Pastor Trish Underberg and Vicar Grace Baumgartel are leading instruction this year. Students from St. John, Akron, St. John, Craig, Christ Lutheran Church, St. Peter Lutheran Church and Living Faith attend this instruction.

Living Faith students are Marley Stream, Jordan Kopperud, Nate Rathke, and Jess Kopperud.

September Events to Attend!

Consider enjoying an evening of music and storytelling on September 14th at 7:00 at Rejoice! Church. Tickets are $15 with children 10 and under admitted for free. The doors to this event open at 6:00. Tickets can be purchased at Hotopp's, KLEM, and online at

Noah's Ark Preschool is hosting a Preschool Carnival for its students and families on Sunday, September 15 from 3:00 - 5:00 at the PUCC.

Consider volunteering to help with set up, man a booth or help with tear down. There is a sign up sheet on the table outside the Chapel for you to find a spot to serve!

Pastor Halaas reports that Living Faith may be the only worshiping community in the nation that hosts a S'mores and Ashes event!

We will host this one-of-a-kind event on September 22nd at 6:00 at the Municipal Park. We will burn the palm branches from last Palm Sunday to create ashes for Ash Wednesday 2025! Then we will gather around a bonfire for s'mores and conversation! The play area nearby is available for the kids!

Please bring a lawn chair. Cheryl Juhl will provide the s'more fixings and the Leadership Team will provide the drinks.

Please consider online giving as a method to donate to Living Faith! If you have an interest in this, please take an application sheet from the sign-up table outside the Chapel and fill it out. If you have questions about this method or the application sheet, please visit with Kari Kopperud. She'll be happy to answer questions you may have about this!

Please hold in prayer each day this week:

Ali - Julie Hurt's sister

Gladys - Julie Hurt's grandmother

Marilynn - Pastor Jean and Rich Ziettlow's sister-in-law. Marilynn has been in the hospital and she needs your prayers along with her husband, children, grandchildren and extended family.

Karin - Ted Hallberg's sister

The family of Leona Reyelts - Leona is Ardis Boetger's aunt and she passed away recently. Leona was married to Larry who was an intern at St. John's under Pastor Belk. In fact, Mrs. Belk paired Leona and Larry together after a church outing! There is also a connection with Larry's father and Pastor Halaas' father! It's a small world!

The Living Faith Brother or Sister you are praying for

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P.O. Box 1514 | LeMars, Iowa

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