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Living Faith Weekly News (Week of November 26)

Kay Michaelson

Living Faith's Tree at the Pioneer Village Festival of Trees

Last Week

Living Faith celebrated the last Sunday of the church year, Christ the King Sunday, by welcoming Pastor Joy Gonnerman back to the chapel. Thank you to Pastor Joy and those who assisted with worship: Gail and Tim Kass and Angela Catton!

This Week

Join us in the PUCC Chapel (858 7th Ave SE - park in the back part of the parking lot and enter into the door marked with the Living Faith Logo) as we celebrate the first Sunday in Advent on December 3rd at 11:15! This lay led service will feature the lighting of the first candle of our Advent wreath, the beautiful music of the Holden Evening Prayer service, and a message from our guest speaker, Eldon Bensen from Lutheran Services of Iowa. Mr. Bensen is a member of Pastor Halaas' congregation, St. Mark, in Sioux City. He will talk to us about his work at LSI in which he primarily works with refugee resettlement and needs that Living Faith can consider filling in what he encounters in his daily work. He will also share about other programs he has been involved with such as foster care and adoptions among other things.

Debbie Gibson will read Scripture for us, Gail Kass will accompany us on the piano and Kjersten Rathke will be the song leader for the Holden Evening Prayer music. The Leadership Team will contribute to the service as well. We will not have Communion this Sunday.

Room 103 is the place to be for coffee and fellowship this Sunday at 10:15. Yvonne Law is bringing treats and we will discuss the Gospel lesson for the first Sunday in Advent. We will also do some planning for the Christmas brunch we will enjoy on Sunday, December 10, during Faith + Fellowship time!

Living Faith Buckets and Baskets of Care

Living Faith's Advent project is a need that Mid-Sioux, here in Le Mars, says is something that is often overlooked for families: cleaning supplies and hygiene supplies. Thank you to all who stopped by the sign up table and picked up a basket or bucket to fill and return. There will be more baskets and buckets to pick up if you did not get one last Sunday! The basket has a list of suggested hygiene supplies for you to purchase and the bucket has a list of suggested cleaning products. You do not have to purchase everything on the list nor are you limited to just the items that are listed. Fill your basket or bucket and return to Living Faith by December 17 and they will be delivered to Mid-Sioux and distributed to needy families. Thank you Living Faith-ers for your generosity!

Living Faith Advent Season Invitations!

Tuesday, Dec. 5 - Brown's Dinner and Christmas show starting at 5:30. Tickets must be purchased by November 30. Contact Kim at 546-8855. Tickets are $50 each.

Saturday, December 9 - Bake and Decorate Christmas Cookies with the PUCC. Sign up on the sign up table and come at 9:00 to the Fellowship Hall. Cookies will be distributed to those individuals being caroled to the next day!

Sunday, December 10 - Christmas Caroling with the PUCC at 3:00. Meet at the church and we will go out and spread some Christmas cheer! Sign up on the sign up table if you can come and you are invited to join in the soup supper following the caroling event!

Sunday, December 10 - Blue Christmas service at Peirce Mansion, 2901 Jackson St., Sioux City, at 3:00 PM. For more information, contact Care Initiatives Hopsice at 712-239-1226 or RSVP is encourged but not required.

Sunday, December 24 - 4th Sunday in Advent and Christmas Eve! 9:00 worship in the Chapel with Joy Gonnerman. Holy Communion will be celebrated. Also, candlelight Christmas Eve service is offered by the PUCC at 4:00 that afternoon.

Are you interested in forming a Christmas Choir to practice and offer music on December 17th? Contact Kay if you would like to come to a one-time rehearsal in preparation for that Sunday!

Also, let Kay know if you would like to be a part of the candlelight service Christmas Choir which will offer music at the December 24 service at 4:00. The rehearsal schedule for this choir will be sent to you if you are interested!

There are a number of Advent sason resources for you on the sign up table outside the Chapel:

There is an Advent study from ELCA World Hunger as well as and Advent calendar.

Also, Living Faith is providing families with an Advent calendar so please take one for your children or grandchildren!

If you would like to do a daily devotion which focuses on the season of Advent, there is an online one available.

Thank you, thank you to Kari Kopperud, Sharon Utesch and Gail Kass for decorating the Living Faith tree out at the Pioneer Village! You can view our tree and others this weekend, December 2nd and 3rd, and next weekend, December 9th and 10th from 5:30 - 8:30!

Happy Birthday to those celebrating in December!

Rick Stream - December 10

Eli Mack - December 13

Peg McAllister - December 29

Katie McAllister - December 30

Happy Baptismal Birthday to:

Debbie Gibson - December 16

Kinley Van Otterloo - December 23

Please keep the following individuals in prayer:

The Living Faith member you are praying for

Baby Morgan

Kevin Johnson

Beth Kehrberg

Kathy McCrary

Kim Lang's sister, Jane

Ted Hallberg's sister, Karin

College and high school students as they finish their fall semester

Living Faith Church as we wait and watch for the Savior's birth




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P.O. Box 1514 | LeMars, Iowa

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