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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of November 19th)

Dave Grosenheider plays and sings with such joy, it's not hard to catch the Spirit that shines through him and his music! Thank you, Dave, for sharing your gift of music!

Last Week

Thank you to so many for assisting us in worshiping our God on Sunday!

  • Pastor David Halaas for presiding at worship and accompanying us in the hymns chosen especially for the Sunday before Thanksgiving!

  • Dave Grosenheider for his offering of special music during Holy Communion!

  • Peg McAllister for supplying our Communion bread!

  • Tim Kass for ushering!

  • Angela Catton for live streaming our service!

  • Nathan Summerside for reading Scripture and Kari Kopperud for assisting with communion!

Did you notice the beautiful cross, made by Peg and John McAllister, has been relocated in front of the lectern? Thank you to Tim and Gail Kass for donating the table it sits on! This table belonged to Tim's great-grandmother and Tim refinished it just for Living Faith's use! It is beautiful!

It takes a village to make meaningful worship and Living Faith is blessed with individuals who readily volunteer to make our Sunday mornings special together! Thank you so much!

This Week

We will celebrate Christ the King Sunday, the final Sunday of this church year, in the Chapel at 11:15 with Pastor Joy Gonnerman.

Gail Kass will accompany us, Mark Catton will read the Scripture Lessons of the Day and Angela Catton will assist with Communion.

We are missing YOU at Faith + Fellowship on Sundays at 10:15! Come join us as we enjoy fellowship together and discuss the Gospel lesson in preparation for worship which follows at 11:15! Angela Catton is bringing treats on Sunday!

Coming soon: A Faith + Fellowship Christmas party!!

The Noisy Offering box will be out on the sign up table this Sunday - bring your change!

We will draw one of these entities out of the hat in a few months to gift them with the monies we have collected:

Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Mid-Sioux Opportunity's Adopt-a-Family, SAFE Place, Lakeside Bible Camp, Church of the Damascus Road, Habitat for Humanity, United Way, Lutheran Mideast Development and the Lundula Family ministry.

Upcoming Invitations for Living Faith Members!

  • December 5 - Living Faith, along with area Lutheran churches, is invited to the Brown's Dinner and Christmas show. Dinner service begins at 5:30 with the show to follow. Tickets are $50 per person and can be purchased by calling Kim at 546-8855 by November 30.

  • December 9 - Living Faith members of all ages are invited to a cookie making and decorating session at the PUCC at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. See the sign up table outside the Chapel to indicate you are coming and to see what you can bring! The cookies will be delivered during the caroling event the following day!

  • December 10 - Come Christmas Caroling with the members of the PUCC at 3:00 PM. A soup supper will follow. Sign up on the sign up sheet table!

  • December 10 - Blue Christmas Event, 3:00 PM, at Peirce Mansion, 2901 Jackson, Sioux City. The Blue Christmas Event, sponsored by Care Initiatives Hospice, is a time to remember loved ones and there will be a short ceremony followed by refreshments. For more information, contact Care Initiatives Hospice 712-239-1226 or RSVP is encouraged by not required.

  • Christmas Choir - Living Faith members are invited to be a part of the choir at the 4:00 PM Christmas Eve service. Rehearsals are at 9:00 in the Chapel on Sunday mornings and if you are interested in preparing this music, let Kay know and she will contact you with the dates in December that music will be rehearsed!

  • Christmas Eve Services - Plan to attend one or both services Living Faith will be a part of on Sunday, December 24th! Living Faith will be having a worship service at 9:00 AM with Pastor Joy Gonnerman in the Chapel. Holy Communion will be celebrated at this service. A Christmas Candlelight service will be held by the PUCC at 4:00 PM in the afternoon on Christmas Eve and Living Faith is invited to participate in this service.

Several Living Faith members will be helping on Wednesday, November 22 to set up tables and prepare to - go meals for Rejoice Community Church's annual Thanksgiving meal.

Then, on Thursday, Living Faith members will be manning the serving line to dish up a tasty Thanksgiving meal for members of the Le Mars community and surrounding area!

Advent materials are available for you to pick up on Sunday on the sign up table outside the Chapel doors:

Advent calendars for Living Faith families!

An Advent study courtesy of ELCA World Hunger as well as an Advent World Hunger calendar.

If you would like to use an online daily devotional, here is a link to one shared in the Western Iowa Synod's Waterlife Journal:

Please pray for:

Your Living Faith member. A simple daily prayer for them is a goal! If you have not been contacted to be paired with someone to pray for and someone to pray for you, contact Kay at!

Baby Morgan

Kevin Olson

Beth Kehrberg

Friends and relatives who are facing health challenges

A Prayer for Thanksgiving

Loving God,

We turn our hearts to you on this

day for giving thanks, mindful of your many gifts,

For each one, we are grateful.

For each one, we are blessed.

For each one we are opened to the abundance of your love.

May this ThanksgivingDay offer a reminder to be generous with others, as you are with us.

We praise you.

We rejoice in you.

We give you thanks.


Happy Thanksgiving from Living Faith!



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