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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of May 26, 2024)

Living Faith is road tripping on Sunday! Join us!

Last Week

Living Faith marked Trinity Sunday with words about the Holy Spirt and its presence in our lives! We also honored and remembered military loved ones and all loved ones who have gone before us. We concluded our worship service by gathering outside the PUCC, overlooking Memorial Cemetery, to share a Memorial Day prayer.

Thank you to Pastor Halaas, Angela Catton, Dawn Richards, Peg McAllister and Tim Kass for their contributions to our worship!

This Week

Living Faith is on the road to St. Mark Lutheran Church in Storm Lake this coming Sunday! Services begin at 9:00 with a Fellowship Hour following at 10:00. We will finish out the morning by enjoying lunch together at King's Pointe's Regatta Restaurant overlooking Storm Lake!

We will meet in the PUCC parking lot and leave promptly at 7:45 for St. Mark for those who wish to car pool. St. Mark is located at 1614 W. 5th St. and the Regatta Restaurant is at 1520 E Lakeshore Drive.

We hope to migrate over with a large group to show our appreciation to the entire St. Mark congregation for their generous gift of All Creation Sings hymnal supplements!

Because of our out-of-town trip to Storm Lake on Sunday, we will not hold Faith + Fellowship on June 2.

Plan to return to Room 103 at 10:00 on Sunday, June 9th!

Living Faith Honors and Remembers:

Kevin Richards' father, Lee - Army

Rich Ziettlow's father, Carryl - Air Force

Jean Ziettlow's father, Melvin - Civil Air Patrol

Tim Kass' father, James - Navy

Gail Kass' father, Darwin - Navy

Kay Allen's husband, Verle - Army

Kay's son, Todd - Marine Corps

Yvonne Law's husband and Sherri Permeswaran's step-father, Don - Army

Mark Catton's father William - Marine Corps

Mark and Angela's son, Todd - marine Corps

Dell Ferguson - Air Force

Dell's father, Emmet - Army Air Corps

June Ferguson's father, William - Army Air Corps

June and Dell's son, Adam - Air Force

Sharon Utesch's brother, Gerald - Army

Sharon's brother-in-law, Curtis - Army

Sharon's father-in-law, Merlin - Army

Jenni Mack's father, Mark - US Army Reserve

Jenni's grandfathers, Allen and Elmer - Navy

Mitchel Mack's grandmother, Anita - Air Force

Ardis Boetger's grandfather, Niels - Army

Brian Michaelson's father, Herb - Army

Kay Michaelson's father, Dwight - Army

Kay Michaelson's grandfather, Del - Army

Kay Michaelson's sister and brother-in-law, Sandy and Matt - Marine Corps

Summer Time Bible Buckets and Minute to Win It Totes

Kinley, Shawn, Casey and Eli pick up their Summer Bible Buckets!

Extra Bible Buckets and an extra Minute to Win It Bin for older students are available for pick up for any of your extended family or friends who might enjoy them! Look for them on the sign up table on June 9th when we return to the Chapel for worship! If we run out and you'd like one, just let Kay or Kortney know! Thank you, again, to Kortney Kopperud for putting this service project together!

Ice Cream Days Parade Prep!

THANK YOU!! to everyone who came out to work on our handouts for the Ice Cream Days parade! These color-changing spoons will be a complement to our parade float theme of "Taste and See"! The parade takes place on Saturday, June 15 and we will be lining up on the boulevard at 8:30 prior to the 9:00 parade start! Here is how you can take part in this Living Faith outreach to the community of Le Mars and beyond!: Sign up on the sheets on the sign up table to ride our float or walk to hand out spoons and candy, to donate candy (please bring candy to Living Faith by June 9th - any candy will do except no chocolate, please!), or to take pictures of us Living Faith-ers if you are a parade watcher and then text them or email them to Kay or Angela! Thank you to those who took the unlabeled spoons home to do the homework of getting them parade ready!

Honoring our Fathers!

Living Faith would like to honor their fathers both living and in heaven on Father's Day! Please email or text your favorite picture of your father to Kay Michaelson by June 9!

June Events

June 2 - Road Trip to Storm Lake

June 9 - Worship in the PUCC Chapel - 11:00

June 15 - Ice Cream Days Parade

June 16 - Worship in the PUCC Chapel - Honoring our Fathers

June 23 - Worship in the PUCC Chapel - Welcoming our friends from Hope Lutheran in Sioux Center - Name tags will be out on the sign up table!

June 30 - Sunday Morning VBS - 10:00 and 11:00 worship in the PUCC Chapel

Helping Those in Need

Once again, tornadoes have catastrophically hit our Iowa neighbors in Greenfield, Nevada and other communities. Along with keeping in prayer those affected and those assisting, if you would like to make a monetary contribution, these envelopes are out on the sign up table for you. Mark the space for Disaster Relief on the envelope and on your check's memo line, write US Tornadoes and your donation will be directed in that manner.

Congratulations, Graduate!

Congratulations to Heath Jr. (pictured in the middle with two other grandsons), grandson of Pastor and Bishop Halaas, who will graduate from LaSalle High School in Yakima, Washington. Pastor Halaas and Bishop Lorna will be traveling west this week to celebrate this milestone with their families! Safe travels to the Halaas' and congratulations, Heath!

Living Faithfully

On Living Faith's website (, there is a new link called Living Faithfully. This new page features the 7 Practices of Faithful Living. Faithful Practice Number 4 is: Invite..Outreach and Evangelism..."Come and see!"

Do you ever think that this piece of living faithfully is hard for Lutherans to break out of their comfort zones to actively do? Living Faith's Leadership Team welcomes all ideas you see as opportunities to invite and welcome those in our community!

Here are some of Living Faith's outreach efforts:

  • Social media presence - Facebook live streaming and regular welcoming posts

  • Radio spots of welcome to Living Faith worship services

  • Parade floats and Living Faith handouts to parade goers

  • Living Faith t-shirts and sweatshirts to wear out in our community

  • In the works for after election season: Living Faith yard signs

  • Members sharing their Living Faith stories to neighbors and friends

  • Living Faith brochures are in development

Living Faith June Celebrations!


Kari Kopperud - June 23

Anniston Van Otterloo - June 30

Baptism Anniversaries:

Tim Kass - June 3

Dawn Richards - June 10

June Ferguson - June 15

Mark Juhl - June 29

Wedding Anniversaries:

Jim and Karen Schroeder - June 2

Caleb and Jenelle Van Otterloo - June 8

Kevin and Dawn Richards - June 10

Dell and June Ferguson - June 10

Permes and Sherri Permeswaran - June 14

Ted and Carol Hallberg - June 15

Mark and Angela Catton - June 30

If your special date is not listed here, please let Kay Michaelson know!

Please hold in prayer:

Ali Paladino - Julie Hurt's sister who will have surgery on Thursday.

Kipp - Mark and Cheryl Juhl's nephew

Marilynn - Sister-in-law of Rich & Jean Ziettlow

Karin - Ted Hallberg's sister

Rhonda - Gail Kass' sister

Gladys - Julie Hurt's Grandmother

Tornado victims

Your Living Faith brother or sister you are praying for



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