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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of March 26)

Come join Living Faith as we walk through Holy Week together!

Sunday, April 2 - Palm Sunday - 11:00 AM in the PUCC Youth Room. Worship features a procession of the palms and the reading of the Passion narrative.

Thursday, April 6 - Maundy Thursday - 7:00 PM. Worship with the Presbyterian United Church of Christ, Pastor Jan Christensen presiding.

Friday, April 7 - Good Friday- 5:00 PM in the PUCC Youth Room. Pastor Jay Denne presiding.

Easter Sunday, April 9 - Easter Breakfast from 8:30 - 9:15 in the PUCC Fellowship Hall.

Easter services at 9:30 in the PUCC Youth Room. Pastor Jay Denne


Donate a lily! Sign up on the sign up table on Sunday!

Thank you to all who have volunteered to bring items for our 8:30 - 9:15 Easter breakfast: Egg Bakes: Peg McAllister, Kay Michaelson, Angela Catton and Jenni Mack. We could use one more volunteer for this.

Dozen muffins or sweet rolls or doughnuts or pastries: June Ferguson, Kay Allen, Gail Kass and Robin Grosenheider.

Large bowl of fruit: Sue Stream, Kari Kopperud, and Cheryl Juhl.

Gallon of orange juice: Kari Kopperud (2) and Sue Stream (2)

Last week

35 worshiped at Living Faith and the offering totaled $1,511.

Thank you to Kathy Stelzer for leading Living Faith in worship! It was so good to be with Kathy and Mark and worship together with them!

Thank You!:

Thank you to those who provided food for our final Lenten meal on Wednesday: Kay Michaelson, Ardis Boetger, Dawn Richards, Kim Lang, Kay Allen, Karen Schroeder, Debbie Gibson, June Ferguson, Peg McAllister, and Gail Kass.

Thank you as well to all who volunteered to provide food and help with our Wednesday Lenten meals! It was wonderful to share these meals together!

Rachel and her red shoes!

Thank you to Rachel Cunningham for graciously lending her piano playing talents to our Wednesday evening Lenten services! We appreciate all you did for us!

Scripture Experience for You!

A spring series of Read/Reflect/Respond/Rest with scripture is being offered by the Western Iowa Synod during the Easter season on Thursday noons from April 13 - May 25. This practice, Lectio Divina, will be offered via Zoom and you will be sent a link each week for the sessions.

The scripture each week will be the gospel lesson for the upcoming Sunday. You can join in at any time. The sessions will last a half hour, but you are invited to stay for the second half hour if you wish to discuss the experience.

Facilitators for these sessions are Mark and Kathy Stelzer, Pastor Jay Denne, Carol DeSchepper,, and Rev. Deb Mechler. If you wish to join this practice, please email Mark Stelzer at

Official Meeting Notice:

Living Faith Lutheran Church will hold a charter membership signing on Sunday, April 23 at 10:30 AM in the Youth Room of the PUCC. Immediately following, a vote will be taken on the Constitution and By-laws for our Synod Authorized Worshiping Community. 10% of the voting membership must be present for a vote to be taken. A celebratory coffee will be held afterwards followed by 11:00 worship led by Pastor Jay Denne.

Spirit 712 Concert!

Mark your calendars for a special concert to be held in Le Mars. "Acoustic Storytime" will feature three nationally known Contemporary Christian music artists: Jason Gray, Cade Thompson, and MIke Donehey of Tenth Avenue North. The concert, presented by Spirit 712 Radio, will be held at Rejoice Community Church in Le Mars on Sunday, May 7, beginning at 6 PM. Enjoy an evening of storytelling, jokes, great music and inspiration! Tickets will be available soon for just $10 each.

Free Community Breakfast!

Spread the word that the Synod Assembly is hosting a free community breakfast on Saturday, April 22nd at the lower level of the Convention Center from 7:00 - 10:00 AM!

Flyers are on the sign up table for you to pick up and post around and about town!

Blessings on your Holy Week!

Kay Michaelson


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