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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of March 19)

Last Sunday

We had 30 in worship and the offering total was $1,435. Thank you to Deacon Eric Haitz for presiding at our service. It was good to meet you!

This Week

We might have been discussing the merits of sushi at the moment this photo was taken!

Come for the coffee and stay for the laughter and conversation at the 10:00 Faith and Fellowship time at Living Faith!

Pastor Denne will be back with us for the 11:00 worship service in the Youth Room of the Presbyterian United Church of Christ, 858 7th Ave. SE. Please park in the back of the church and enter through the Noah's Ark Preschool doors.

Brian Michaelson will be our reader and Kay Michaelson will assist with communion.

Thank you to Debbie Gibson, June Ferguson, Sharon Utesch and Janelle Bixenman for providing water and desserts for our pizza feed on Wednesday!

March 29 Lenten Service

March 29 marks our final Lenten service of the season. Please join us in the Fellowship Hall of the PUCC as we wrap up our Lenten journey and look toward Holy Week.

  • 5:00 - Worship with Holden Evening Prayer Service

  • 5:30 - Meal featuring a baked potato bar and desserts.

  • 6:30 - PUCC Small Group - You are welcome to join in a small group discussion on the topic "A New Family - Throwing Open the Doors of the Church" in the PUCC Fellowship Hall led by Rob and Janelle Bixenman.

For our meal, Kay Michaelson will provide the baked potatoes, Karen Schroeder, Kim Lang, Ardis Boetger and Dawn Richards will bring cans of Hormel Chili. Debbie Gibson will bring a package of small bottled water, Ardis Boetger and Kim Lang will provide large cans of sweet corn. June Ferguson will bring a large carton of sour cream and Karen Schroeder will bring a large bag of baby carrots. Gail Kass and Kay Michaelson will provide desserts. We are in need of someone to bring bacon bits.

Worship and Fellowship Opportunities for Holy Week

Palm Sunday, April 2nd - Worship at 11:00 in the Youth Room at the Presbyterian United Church of Christ featuring the reading of the Passion of Christ.

Maundy Thursday, April 6th - Worship at 7:00 with the Presbyterian United Church of Christ. Pastor Jan Christensen presiding. Holy Communion will be offered at this service.

Good Friday, April 7th - Worship at 5:00 in the Youth Room of the PUCC. Pastor Jay Denne presiding.

Easter Breakfast, April 9th - 8:30 - 9:15 in the Fellowship Hall of the PUCC.

Easter, April 9th - 9:30 (Notice change in worship time!) - Worship in the Youth Room of the PUCC.

Easter Lilies

If you would like to donate an Easter lily to decorate our worship space on Easter Sunday, please see the signup table on Sunday or Wednesday. You may purchase a lily in memory of a loved one or in honor of someone. Record your information on the sign up form and put your $15 per lily fee in the envelope provided.

Volunteer Opportunities to Serve at Living Faith

Check out the sign-up table for several ways you can serve:

  • Read or serve communion during worship

  • Provide food for our final Lenten meal on March 29

  • Provide food for our Easter Breakfast on April 9th

  • Help with a variety of needs for the Synod Assembly on April 21 and 22

Synod Assembly

  • Thank you to Yvonne Law who will be the voting delegate for Living Faith at the Assembly to be held April 21 and 22 at the Le Mars Convention Center.

  • Thank you to those who have volunteered to help with the tasks needed to put on the assembly. If you haven't had a chance to sign up, check out the jobs needed on the sign up sheets on the sign up table!

  • There will be a free Community Breakfast as a part of the synod assembly on Saturday, April 22nd from 7:00 - 10:00 at the lower level of the Le Mars Convention Center. All are welcome to attend! There are flyers in regards to this event on the sign up table that you are encouraged to pick up and post around town to advertise this gift to the community from the Western Iowa Synod!

Mark your calendars for Sunday, April 23rd! It is a BIG day for Living Faith!

What? Living Faith Lutheran Church Charter Signing Day and Constitution Adoption Day

Where? Youth Room of the PUCC

When? 10:30 AM with worship to follow at 11:00 AM. Coffee and cookies will be served to celebrate!

Why? Once a constitution is adopted, memberships from other churches can be transferred to Living Faith.

Check your email for the official letter of notice for this Living Faith meeting. The proposed Constitution for your review will be emailed to you soon.

Website Information!!!

We are working to make our communications more streamlined: Work smarter, not harder! Please click on the following link which will take you to the News and Events page of Living Faith's website: At the immediate top of this page or at the bottom, depending on your device, you will see "Subscribe to Living Faith Lutheran's Weekly Newsletter" with a blank to enter your email address. Please enter your email address and click subscribe. Doing this will enable you to receive an email notification when the weekly news has been sent to the website and you will be able to click on a link in your email to go right to the weekly news on the website and read it there. Newsletters will continue to be emailed as well as put on the website for the next few weeks but the goal is to phase out the email step and just have it on the website with an email notification of it being there sent to you.

Thrivent members!

Thrivent Choice Dollars can be designated to Living Faith on March 28 Living Faith should be in the Thrivent database by that date as one of the entities you can choose for your Thrivent Choice Dollars to go. Please see Kay Michaelson if you have a question about this.

Pastoral Care

In need of Pastoral Care? Pastor Denne can be reached at 712-898-1678 or you can email him at

Prayer Requests

If you would like the group that meets at the 10:00 hour to pray for a specific need or Pastor Denne to include your need in the prayers of the church, please reach out to anyone on the Leadership Team or email your request to

It's another busy week at Living Faith! We are blessed to be able to do so many things!

See you in church!

Kay Michaelson


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