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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of June 4)

Join us Sunday morning at 11:00 AM in the Chapel of the PUCC, 858 7th Ave. SE!

Last Week

Thank you to:

  • Pastor Jean who led us in worship and taught us the ABC's of the Trinity: Action, Broadcast and Commitment!

  • Those who served in worship: Dawn Richards, Peg McAllister, Angela Catton and Tim Kass.

  • Mark Juhl and Karen Schroeder who spearheaded the Hunger Campaign for the RAGBRAI ride this summer. Living Faith exceeded our goal and contributed $755 for this cause! Thank you for your generosity, Living Faith!

  • All who picked up placards to decorate for our Ice Cream Days float! Please return them next Sunday or bring them to the starting point of the parade on June 17th - our float will be parked between 1st Ave SW and 2nd Ave SW on the Boulevard (Spot #38)!

We celebrated Trinity Sunday with 28 in worship and an offering of $2,160.

This Sunday:

We welcome Pastor David Halaas to the Chapel to lead us in worship! It will be good to have Pastor Halaas with us again!

Join us for worship by parking in the rear of the Presbyterian United Church of Christ. Enter through the preschool door, come down the hallway, turn to your left and find the Chapel at the end of the hallway.

Pastor Halaas will accompany us, Jess Kopperud will read scripture and Kari Kopperud will assist with communion.

Last week at our 10:00 Faith + Fellowship time, we learned about each other's favorite doughnuts (as we enjoyed doughnuts provided by the McAllisters - thank you John & Peg!), the best gift we've ever received and miracles that we have observed!

Join us this Sunday for coffee, treats provided by Gail Kass, and lively conversation!

There are lots of celebrations happening in June for the families of Living Faith!*

Celebrating birthdays this month are:

Kari Kopperud on June 23rd

Anniston Van Otterloo on June 30th

Celebrating the anniversary of their baptisms are:

Tim Kass on June 3rd

Dawn Richards on June 10th

June Ferguson on June 15th

Mark Juhl on June 29th

Celebrating wedding anniversaries are:

Jim and Karen Schroeder on June 2nd

Caleb and Jenelle Van Otterloo on June 8th

Dawn and Kevin Richards on June 10th

Dell and June Ferguson on June 10th

Permes and Sherri Permeswaran on June 14th

Ted and Carol Hallberg on June 15th

Mark and Angela Catton on June 30th

God's Blessings to all who are celebrating!

*Dates are known due to submission of information sheets given out when signing the charter. Please turn yours in soon if you haven't done so. If you were not given an information sheet during the signing of the charter, please let Kay Michaelson know so one can be given to you.

Ice Cream Days' Parade is Coming!

Sign up on the sheet on the sign up table to ride on Living Faith's float in the Ice Cream Days Parade on June 17th!

Placards are being decorated and you can hold a placard as you ride the float or if you want some exercise and would like to walk and hand out Living Faith bookmarks along the way - please sign up this Sunday!

Here's a sneak peek of a placard - a work in progress - for our Ice Cream Days float! Can't wait to see Living Faith's creativity come together!

We are entry #38 and will be setting up for the parade between 1st Ave. SW and 2nd Ave. SW on the Boulevard that morning.

Parents and Grandparents!

Looking for ways to unplug each day for your children and/or grandchildren and to spend time as a family in amongst the busy-ness of daily life? Here's a resource for you!

Check out!

Faith5 is a daily practice that can be done at the supper table or before bedtime! It involves 5 simple steps: 1. Share Highs and Lows

2. Read a Bible story or Bible verse

3. Talk about how that verse or story relates to anyone's highs or lows

4. Pray for one another's high and lows

5. Bless each other

This link gives you an overview of this practice from Dr. Rich Melheim, the creator of this practice:

Please keep the following in your prayers:

  • Cole, Brittany and Morgan McAllister - pray for continued progress in Morgan's growth.

  • John & Peg McAllister's brother-in-law, Kevin, as he deals with health issues.

  • Prayers for safe travel for Pastor Denne and family this week.

  • Prayers of thanksgiving for those who sacrificed and served on D-Day, June 6, 1944.



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