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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of June 30, 2024)

Living Faith Celebrates Christmas in June VBS on Sunday Morning!

Last Week

Living Faith held its first VBS program on Sunday morning! Casey, Carmen, Shawn, Abby, Emily and Claire spent the morning cutting out Christmas cookies, hearing the Christmas story in a new way, putting together a nativity set, creating Christmas ornaments, decorating Christmas cookies and snacking on them and learning a Christmas song! Whew! It was a busy morning!

Thank you to all who helped make Sunday Morning VBS possible: Kari, Jess and Kortney Kopperud, Marley Stream, Sue Stream, Kay Allen, Mark and Cheryl Juhl and Kay Michaelson.

Sunday morning VBS was an out-of-the-box idea that was a good first dip into the VBS experience for children in our community!

Thank you to all who contributed to worship on Sunday: Pastor Halaas, the children of VBS, Kari Kopperud, Ardis Boetger, Peg McAllister, Angela Catton, Tim Kass, and Mike Rathke!

This Week

We will be in the Chapel at 11:00 Sunday morning. Come join us at 858 7th Ave. SE. We worship within the walls of the Presbyterian United Church of Christ! Pastor David Halaas will be leading our service, Gail Kass will be at the piano, and Karen Schroeder will read scripture. If you would like to greet worshipers at the door or assist with Communion, please let Kay Michaelson know!

Faith + Fellowship will be back together at 10:00 in Room 103 on Sunday! Come to catch up with everyone and to enjoy a cup of Tim's brew!

Join us as we discuss the Gospel lesson for Sunday's worship!

Sunday's Time of Fellowship in Oyens with John & Peg McAllister!

Living Faith journeyed to Oyens to enjoy the afternoon at John & Peg McAllister's Night & Day Tavern in their backyard! Thank you to everyone who came out and brought such tasty snacks to share! Thank you to John and Peg for your wonderful hospitality! Let's plan to visit Oyens again! In the vein of Friday night at the Tavern, please enjoy Pastor Halaas' joke contribution to Sunday afternoon at the Tavern!

Living Faith will be participating in the 4th of July parade on Thursday. We will be handing out candy on the route along with flyers advertising our outdoor worship on July 21! Volunteers are the Kopperud family, Tim and Gail Kass, Mark and Angela Catton, Karen Schroeder, Yvonne Law, Kay Michaelson and Sharon Utesch. You will receive an email notice of our parade spot on the boulevard once we hear what it is. Walkers, please bring rain gear! We might be 4 for 4 in rainy parades!!

Living Faith is partnering with area ELCA Lutheran churches to collect items and put together flood buckets for our neighbors in need. Here's how this will work:

Below you will see a shopping list of items which go into one flood bucket. You are free to purchase whatever you wish from this list. You do not need to buy everything on the list, nor do you need to purchase the bucket itself. Instead, you may donate whatever you wish from this list in whatever quantities you wish. Bring your donations to Living Faith and place them under the sign up table on Sunday, July 7 or Sunday, July 14. At a time to be determined the week of July 14, all participating area churches will bring their donations to one location and at that time will put together complete sets of flood buckets. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus in this challenging time for our friends and neighbors!

Flood Bucket Shopping List

  • One five-gallon bucket with resealable lid (If bucket has been used, clean well but do not use if it has held chemicals of any kind.)

  • Four scouring pads

  • One scrub brush

  • Five dust masks

  • Seven sponges, assorted sized (at least one fairly hefty for washing mold)

  • 18 cleaning towels (reusable, like Easy Wipes)

  • One 12 oz. bottle of liquid concentrated household cleaner (like Lysol)

  • One 25 oz. bottle liquid disinfectant dish soap (like Dawn)

  • One 50 oz. or two 25 oz. bottles of liquid laundry detergent

  • One package of 48 - 50 clothespins

  • Clothesline, two 50 ft. or one 100 ft.

  • Two pairs latex gloves (long heavy duty, like Playtex dishwashing gloves, not the thin ones sold for painting etc.)

  • One pair work gloves

  • 28-bag roll of heavy-duty trash bags (35-40 gallon)

  • One 6 - 9 oz. bottle of insect repellent (pump, drops or lotion, not aerosol)

Additional information: Many items can be purchased at local dollar stores at a substantial savings. The Lysol cleaner can be difficult to find - be sure it is a concentrated formula. Packaging from the dust masks can be removed and the masks placed in a zip lock bag.

You are encouraged to add a personal note wishing the user well identifying the congregation where the donations came from.

Hard copies of this list are available for pick up from the sign up table.

Thank you, Living Faith!

Thursday, July 25th - Lutheran Night at Lamb Theater!

Lamb Theater is putting on Godspell at 7:00 PM and you're invited!

Lamb Theater is now performing at Morningside University's Klinger Neal Theater.

Please sign up on the sheet that's on the sign up table outside the Chapel.

If we get 10 to sign up, we will qualify for group rates, so cost of a ticket is to be determined! Please sign up by July 14!

Living Faith-ers who are celebrating this month:

Happy Birthday to:

Karen Schroeder - July 7

John McAllister - July 16

Robin Grosenheider - July 28

Jenni Mack - July 30

Happy Baptismal Birthday to:

Jordan Kopperud - July 4

Kari Kopperud - July 13

Karen Schroder - July 27

Anniston Van Otterloo - July 29

Happy Anniversary to:

Brian and Kay Michaelson - July 14

This week we pray for:




Tim and Gail and family



All who are affected by the flooding in Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota

All who are assisting in the clean up efforts

Living Faith's efforts in helping with flood buckets

Our nation and its leaders

The Living Faith brother or sister you are praying for



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