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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of June 25)

Living Faith and Presbyterian United Church of Christ members partnered to make fleece blankets and school kits for Native American children of the Dakotas.

Last Thursday, Living Faith enjoyed a day of fellowship and work! Thank you to the Presbyterian United Church of Christ's Friendship Circle for the invitation to join in this service project!

Last Week

Living Faith had 32 in attendance on Sunday and our offering totaled $1,026.

Thank you to:

  • Pastor Denne for leading us in worship!

  • Gail Kass, Tim Kass, Nathan Summerside, Yvonne Law and Angela Catton for their special help with worship!

Next Week

  • Gail Kass will be at the piano for us.

  • Mark Catton will read scripture and assist with Holy Communion.

Thank you to Sharon Utesch for the delicious treats she provided Sunday! So sorry if you missed the strawberry trifle! Last week we talked about when we feel closest to God - many spoke of finding closeness to God in nature! We hope you all have time to get out and get close to God in that way this week! We also learned that Karen Schroeder is going to enjoy a turn on the Legend Rollercoaster at Arnold's Park for her upcoming birthday! Celebrate well, Karen!

This week Kay Michaelson will provide treats for the 10:00 hour. There's always an open invitation for all to join in the conversation!

What has the Leadership Team been up to?

July 4th Parade at 11:00 AM

Living Faith will have an entry in the July 4th parade! Our entry will be the Kopperuds' decorated pickup - with the Living Faith banner!

If you would like to ride in the pickup, sign up this Sunday or let anyone on the Leadership Team know! Come find the Kopperuds and their pickup on the Boulevard at 10:45 to jump in!

M. Catton and Co. is providing candy for the parade and if you would like to walk in the parade and give out candy and flyers about our outdoor worship service on July 16th, sign up Sunday! Thank you, Mark and Angela Catton!

Outdoor Worship Service, Sunday, July 16, 11:00 at O'Toole Park!

Bring your lawn chair and join us for worship at O'Toole Park!

Picnic Lunch to follow! The Leadership Team will provide the main dish. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Bottled water and tableware will be provided.

In case of inclement weather, worship will be held in the Chapel at the PUCC and lunch will take place in the Fellowship Hall there.

Ministry Site Profile

Bishop Halaas has directed the Leadership Team to begin the process of filling out a Ministry Site Profile. A Ministry Site Profile is an online document from the ELCA which congregations complete when they begin the process of calling a pastor. Living Faith is a long ways out from calling a pastor, but the Bishop has directed us to take this first step of filling out the profile. The Leadership Team has met several times to work on this 9 page document and it is in its final stages of completion to be ready to submit to the Bishop. Much of the information the Leadership Team has provided for the profile is found in the presentation the team gave at the Synod Assembly in April. If you'd like to see that Powerpoint presentation, please scroll through the Weekly News articles from weeks past and click on the one from the week of April 23rd.

But Living Faith has a couple of changes coming up!

  • There will be no live-streaming of services on July 9th.

  • Due to set up at O'Toole Park on July 16, there will be no 10:00 Faith + Fellowship Hour.

The 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering will be held in New Orleans July 16 - 20 of 2024. Students entering 8th - 12 grades this fall are eligible to attend. Priority registration opens September 15th and closes November 1st. The Leadership Team will be reaching out to area churches to coordinate plans. Students who would be interested in attending should let anyone on the Leadership Team know of your interest!


Faith5 is a daily practice for families with children of all ages! It can be done at the supper table or before bedtime. It involves 5 steps:

  1. Share Highs and Lows.

  2. Read a Bible story or verse.

  3. Talk about how that verse or story relates to anyone's highs or lows.

  4. Pray for one another's highs and lows.

  5. Bless each other.

Dr. Rich Melheim, the creator of Faith5, shares about step 3, talk about how that verse or story relates to anyone's highs and lows:

Please keep the following in your prayers:

  • Prayers of thanksgiving for relatives of John & Peg McAllister: Baby Morgan is gaining in weight and brother-in-law Kevin is improving!

  • Safe travels for all vacationers!

  • Plea for rainfall for our crops!

  • Thanksgiving for all the members of Living Faith!



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