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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of June 23, 2024)

Celebration Time with Pastor Halaas!

Last Week

We welcomed Hope Lutheran from Sioux Center to the Chapel! It was great to have you with us! You are welcome any time!

Look Living Faith up on Facebook to hear the rap poem read during Celebration Time! The Gospel lesson of Jesus calming the storm was a timely one for what we have been experiencing in northwest Iowa this past week. Pastor Halaas reminds us that Jesus wasn't afraid to talk to the storm. He is greater than wind and storm and sin and death. Christ's word is a word of peace. For those facing the literal storms and flooding of the week, confidence can had that Jesus is with them.

In Living Faith's experience, we said, "We're going to go from here to there now and we're afraid but we have faith to do it." Jesus is with us, gives us courage and hope. We have found peace in the storms.

Thank you to those who gave of their time to our worship: Mike Rathke, Angela Catton, Yvonne Law, Tim Kass, Bob and Debbie Gibson, and Kari Kopperud.

It was great to meet Hope Lutheran folks during Faith + Fellowship hour on Sunday and to welcome Pastor Halaas to the table for the full hour!

Thank you to Tim Kass for putting on the coffee and to Cheryl Juhl, Sharon Utesch and Kari Kopperud for providing treats! Happy Birthday, Kari!

There will be NO Faith + Fellowship next Sunday (June 30) due to Living Faith VBS in Room 103.

Pastor Halaas introduced himself to the PUCC members and greeted them!

This Week

Join us for Sunday morning VBS at Living Faith on Sunday, June 30th! Register by Wednesday at

Come to Room 103 at 9:30 where the fun will begin - all Christmas themed! We will wrap up at 10:45. Plan to stay for worship where we will share the new Christmas song we will learn!

11:00 Worship is in the Chapel of the PUCC with Pastor Halaas and Mike Rathke at the piano! The Kopperuds will assist with Communion and read Scripture. Ardis Boetger will greet you at the door!

Fellowship in Oyens!

Come on over to Oyens at 3:00 on Sunday to spend time with John and Peg McAllister at their Night & Day Tavern! (310 Park Street)

Bring a lawn chair, a snack to share and your choice of beverage.

Be sure to notice the new Oyens sign on your way into town!

Living Faith July Events!

July 4th - 10:30 - 4th of July Parade

If you'd like to walk or ride in the parade, let Kay know. We need banner carriers, candy throwers, and people to hand out flyers about our July outdoor worship

July 14 - Living Faith will send off our Conor Rathke to the National Youth Gathering!

July 21 - Outdoor worship at 11:00 at O'Toole Park with a Potluck picnic to follow!

July 28 - Worship at the Plymouth County Fair! Plan to wear your Living Faith shirt! We will have a Living Faith item to hand out to fair goers that day!

Living Faith Assists the PUCC with Do-Day!

Kari Kopperud makes a market bag which will be sent to Honduras!

Yvonne Law assists with cutting out receiving blankets.
Kay Allen works on the loom to make caps for newborns.

Kay Michaelson hems receiving blankets.

Last week Living Faith teamed with the Friendship Circle of the PUCC to work on projects which will be sent to Honduras. Market bags were sewn to be used by women of the community and receiving blanket and infant caps will go to a hospital in the city. Thank you to the PUCC for organizing this day of service!

Plymouth County Lutheran Churches' Efforts to Help Our Neighbors

Pastor Trish reached out to Living Faith to ask if we would like to partner with several area churches to help provide what has been suggested by the Western Iowa Synod to assist those who are in need from last week's floods.

There will be sign up sheets out on the table beginning this Sunday for you to sign up for what you would like to contribute towards putting together Flood Buckets. We will take a couple of weeks to collect items and then Pastor Trish reports we will gather with area churches at Christ Lutheran to put together complete sets of buckets. The buckets will then be distributed most likely to our friends in Rock Valley and Spencer who will be in need of them when the flood waters finally recede.

Once you have purchased the items you wish to donate, bring them to Living Faith on July 7 and we will hold them at church until we get a firm date about assembling the buckets with our neighbors to the west!

Please hold in prayer:

All who have been affected by the heavy rains and flooding

All assisting in the clean up and restoration of services

Tim and Gail and family






Your Living Faith brother or sister



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