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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of June 18)

Living Faith Lutheran Church is a place for YOU!

Last week in worship:

  • We welcomed Pastor Denne back to the Chapel - and were delighted to have his children celebrate Father's Day with him in worship!

  • Thank you to those who served in worship: Pastor Denne, Mark and Angela Catton, Dawn Richards and Tim Kass.

  • We had 30 worshipers and our offering was $925.

This week in worship:

  • Gail Kass will accompany us.

  • Nathan Summerside will read scripture and Yvonne Law will assist with communion.

Thank you to Kay Allen and Angela Catton who brought in treats for last week's Faith + Fellowship Hour - and as always, Tim Kass for making the coffee! This week, Sharon Utesch will provide treats at 10:00.

We shared stories of our Dads last week in honor of Father's Day and discovered there are and were some pretty special dads in our group!

Join us next week for conversation and the opportunity to get to know each others' stories!

Membership Information

If you have one of these at your home, please fill it out and return to Kay Michaelson as soon as possible.

If you did not received an information sheet, please let Kay know!


Reminder that the PUCC Do-Day is Thursday beginning at 9:30!

Living Faith Goes to the Ice Cream Days Parade!

So MANY people to thank for this effort!

  • Tim and Philip Kass for the use of Philip's trailer and Tim for spiffying up his truck to pull it! Thank you to Tim for constructing the framework to display our new sign!

  • Mark & Cheryl Juhl for the carpeting put down on the trailer bed and for the chairs for the float riders!

  • Kari Kopperud for arranging for the skirting for the float.

  • Angela Catton for ordering the signage for the float.

  • Placard decorators: Sharon Utesch & Laurie Rowe, Dawn Richards & Kim Petersen, Mark Juhl & Samantha Frias, June Ferguson, Peg McAllister, Jess Kopperud, and Robin Grosenheider & Jessica Pottebaum.

  • Float riders: Pastor Denne, Bob & Debbie Gibson, Gail Kass, Mark Juhl, Melinda and Shawn Shipley, John McAllister, Rich Ziettlow, and Sharon Utesch.

  • Parade walkers: Peg McAllister, Jess Kopperud, Mark and Angela Catton and Kay Michaelson.

  • Candy Master: Pastor Jean Ziettlow.

  • Driver: Tim Kass

  • Candy donors: Caleb & Jenelle Van Otterloo, Todd & Kim Lang, Brian & Kay Michaelson, Mark & Angela Catton, Sharon Utesch, Bob & Debbie Gibson, Dave & Robin Grosenheider, Rich & Jean Ziettlow and Mark & Cheryl Juhl.

  • Those who took pictures: Angela Catton, Jenelle Van Otterloo, Robin Grosenheider and Sue Stream.

  • Angela Catton - the mastermind and creative director of our Ice Cream Days float!

Sincere apologies if anyone has been forgotten in this listing - the day became a blur as we prepared, waited out the rain and headed down Central! Thank you to all who contributed in ways big and small - it takes a village to get our story out to our village!


Faith5 is a daily practice for families with children of all ages or those who are empty nesters! It can be don at the supper table or before bedtime. It involves 5 steps:

  1. Share Highs and Lows

  2. Read a Bible story or verse.

  3. Talk about how that verse or story relaes to anyone's highs or lows.

  4. Pray for one another's highs and lows.

  5. Bless each other.

This week, Dr. Rich Melhiem, the creator of Faith5, shares about Step 2, reading a Bible story or verse:

Please keep the following individuals in your prayers:

  • Cole and Brittany and Morgan McAllister as Morgan grows each day in the NICU.

  • John & Peg McAllister's brother-in-law as he deal with health issues.

  • Kay Michaelson's sister, Sandy, and the health challenges she is facing.

  • Prayers of thanksgiving for the rain and prayers of supplication for more moisture for the tri-state area croplands.

  • Prayers of thanks for all the fathers and father figures in our lives.



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