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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of July 21, 2024)

Living Faith Outdoor Worship on July 21st!

Last Week

Living Faith held their Second Annual Outdoor Worship service at the Municipal Park followed by a potluck picnic! Pastor Halaas led us in worship and Dave Grosenheider and Rich Ziettlow provided beautiful music for the service! Thank you also to Tim Kass, Angela Catton, Yvonne Law and Brian Juhl for their additional help with the service and Mark Juhl, Shawn Shipley, Pastor Halaas and Angela Catton, our ELCA dancers!

Thank you to Mark and Brian Juhl, Todd Lang, Judd Kopperud, Jim Heeren, Rich Ziettlow, Dave Grosenheider, Tim Kass, and Brian and Kay Michaelson for assisting with setting up the stage on Sunday morning and all who helped with packing up when we were ready to depart!

Our Sound Technician, Brian Juhl!

Living Faith does enjoy its greeting time!


Thank you to Kari Kopperud for arranging for the pulled pork sandwiches and hot dogs we enjoyed for lunch and to all the Living Faith chefs for the delicious side dishes and desserts!

This Week

Living Faith will worship at the Plymouth County Fair's Ecumenical service at 10:00 in air-conditioned Century Hall!

Join us as we worship under the leadership of Christ Lutheran Church and St. Peter Lutheran Church!

Wear your Living Faith gear and your Living Faith wristband! Find Kay Michaelson at this service to pick up some wristbands to hand out to fellow fair goers that day!

There will be no Faith + Fellowship on Sunday, July 28th. We will next meet at 10:00 on August 4 in Room 103 of the PUCC!


We welcome Conor Rathke back to Le Mars after his trip to New Orleans and the National Youth Gatheirng! We pray your week was one of great experiences and faith-building for you and all attendees!

Living Faith Service Project - Delivering Meals on Wheels!

Living Faith is partnering with the PUCC to deliver meals on wheels for the next four weeks!

This week, Kay Michaelson, Yvonne Law and Kay Allen are making deliveries for the north route. The PUCC is taking the south route.

Next week is scheduled except for the north route on Tuesday, July 30th. Contact Kay if you are able to help from 10:40 - 12:00 that day. Thank you!

Godspell Lutheran Night, Thursday, July 25th!

If you signed up to attend the 7:00 production of "Godspell" at Klinger-Neal Theater on the Morningside University campus, be watching your email for word on what the final ticket price will be. You will pay Pastor Halaas at the door that night.

Living Faith Works Behind the Scenes to Prepare for Our Outdoor Worship!

The word went out for help with preparing the stage for Sunday's outdoor worship service and Living Faith-ers showed up! Thank you to the Cattons for providing the perfect work area at their acreage!

Thank you for these hands that served - Angela Catton, Yvonne Law, Todd Lang, Kay Allen, Karen Shreoder, Rich Ziettlow, Tim Kass, Brian Juhl, Brian and Kay Michaelson and Mark and Cheryl Juhl!

Please hold the following in prayer this week:

Karin, Ted Hallberg's sister

Gladys, Julie Hurts' grandmother

Ali, Julie Hurts' sister

Marilynn - Rich and Pastor Jean's sister-in-law

Mark Catton as he recovers from eye surgery

Pastor Kristine Stedje and the members of First Lutheran Church in Sioux City

Those recovering from floods

Connor Watson and Morgan Rustad on the occasion of their marriage this coming Sunday morning! Connor is the son of Mark and Angela Catton and grandson of Dell and June Ferguson.

Your Living Faith brother or sister



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