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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of July 14, 2024)

Pictured are those who gathered on Sunday to pack flood buckets an outreach venture of St. John, Craig, St. John, Preston Township, Christ Lutheran Church, St. Peter Lutheran Church, Living Faith Lutheran Church and the Presbyterian United Church of Christ. Thank you to all who donated and came out to help fill buckets! Those gathered to fill buckets from Living Faith were Karen Schroeder, Kay Allen, Sharon Utesch, Kari Kopperud, Mark Juhl, Angela Catton, Gail and Tim Kass, Brian and Kay Michaelson and Todd and Kim Lang.

Last Week

Pastor Halaas came to the Chapel with a surprise guest, Pastor Kristine Stedje, from First Lutheran Church in Sioux City! Pastor Stedje delivered the message for the day. Thank you, Pastor Kristine for joining Living Faith in worship! We were blessed to hear musical selections from Travis Balt, accompanied by Pastor Kristine! Please go to the Facebook livestream from last Sunday to hear the beautiful music that filled the Chapel! Thank you to Gail Kass for accompanying the hymns we sang, to Tim Kass for ushering and Angela Catton for livestreaming our service!

This Week

Come worship with us in O'Toole Park at 11:00 Sunday morning! Pastor Halaas will lead our outdoor worship and Dave Grosenheider and Rich Ziettlow will lead the music portion of our worship!

Kay Michaelson will read Scripture and Yvonne Law will assist with Communion, please let Kay know!

Bring a blanket or lawn chair and you may want to keep some bug spray close by! In case of inclement weather, we will be in the Chapel on Sunday morning at the PUCC (878 7th Ave. SE) at 11:00.

Please stay for a picnic lunch at the shelter house in O'Toole Park following our worship service! Bring your table service and a side dish or dessert to share! Main dish and bottled water will be provided by the Leadership Team! If the rain spoils our outdoor picnic, we will enjoy our meal in the Fellowship Hall at the PUCC!

There will be no Faith + Fellowship on July 21 and 28.

Plan to return to Room 103 of the PUCC on Sunday, August 4 at 10:00! We will have a lot of catching up to do!

Last Sunday we had some fun happenings at Living Faith!

We commissioned Conor Rathke as he left Monday morning on the bus headed to New Orleans and the National Youth Gathering!

Connor and his bus mates from St. Mark in Sioux City were sent off with fun backpacks filled with bus entertainment!

Thank you to Kari Kopperud for creating the backpack of fun with everything from whoopy cushions to Swedish fish! We'll have to find out from Bishop Halaas which backpack item was her favorite!

And they are off!

Flood Bucket Service Project!

Thank you to all Living Faith and PUCC members who generously contributed to our Flood Bucket project! Sunday, several Living Faith members met at Christ Lutheran Church to assemble the buckets under the leadership of Pastor Trish Underberg. 31 buckets were outfitted and will be delivered to the community of Hawarden.

If you would like a further opportunity to donate needed items, please see the details below:

Living Faith is busy, busy for this remainder of July! Take careful note of help needed, and events to enjoy the second half of July!

  1. Saturday, July 20th - 9:00 AM

Living Faith is gathering at the home of Mark and Angela Catton (25321 K49) to clean up the stage we will use for outdoor worship at O'Toole Park the next day! Please bring rags, buckets, soap or 409 cleaner, and brooms. We also need some muscle power to help open up the stage for cleaning.

2. Sunday, July 21st - 9:30 AM

Please come to O'Toole Park to help open up the stage in preparation for worship. Worship will begin at 11:00!

3. Monday - Friday, July 22 - August 16

Help with Meals on Wheels!

Living Faith is partnering with the PUCC to fill out these dates! 4 people each day are needed for this service project: 2 to deliver on the North Route and 2 to deliver on the South Route. Volunteers are to be at the Senior Center (40 1/2 Central Ave. SE - back side of City Hall) by 10:40 each day. Please wait in the dining area. The list of clients is with the containers. After the deliveries are made, please return the containers to the Senior Center no later than 12:30 PM. The complete list of guidelines will be handed out to all volunteers.

Here are the volunteers who have signed up to date:

Monday, July 22 - North Route: Yvonne Law and Kay Michaelson

South Route: Marlene and Beth

Tuesday, July 23 - Friday, July 26 - North Route: Kay Allen and Kay Michaelson

South Route: Marlene and Beth

Monday, July 29 - North Route: Amy Riccio-Beveridge and Jovie Riccio

South Route: Clayton and David

Tuesday, July 30 - Friday, August 2 - North Route: 2 Needed

South Route: Clayton and David

Monday, August 5 - North Route: Amy Riccio-Beveridge and Jovie Riccio

South Route: 2 Needed

Tuesday, August 6 - Friday, August 9 - Both routes - 4 needed

Monday, August 12 - North Route: Ardis Boetger and 1 more needed

South Route: Yvonne Law and 1 more needed

Tuesday, August 13 - Friday, August16 - North Route: Ardis Boetger and 1 more needed

South Route: Yvonne Law and Kay Michaelson

Please let Kay know if you can serve for any of the needed slots.

4. Thursday, July 25th - 7:00 PM

Godspell at Klinger-Neal Theater (3700 Peters Ave.) on the campus of Morningside University - It's Lutheran Night!

This musical based on the Gospel of Matthew will be offered on Thursday, July 25 at 7:00. Please email Pastor Halaas by Tuesday at if you did not get a chance to sign up. If you are interested in car pooling, please let Kay know and we will work to set that up.

5. July 28 - Worship at the Plymouth County Fair - 10:00 AM

An ecumenical worship service will take place at Century Hall. There will be no worship services in the Chapel of the PUCC that day. Living Faith attendees should wear their Living Faith shirts and you will have the opportunity to hand out these snazzy wristbands to fair goers!

The Le Mars Community Theater is presenting "Into the Woods", a musical fairytale where wishes come true but not without consequences. The musical runs August 1 - 4 and August 8 - 11 at 7:30 PM with matinees on Sunday at 2:00.

Living Faith's Kjersten Rathke and Travis Balt are involved with this production and if you'd like to attend, tickets are available for purchase by going to or calling the Box Office at 712-546-5788.

Please hold in prayer this week:

Gladys - Julie Hurt's grandmother

Marilynn - Rich and Jean Ziettlow's sister-in-law

Karin - Ted Hallberg's sister

Conor - Living Faith's representative to the National Youth Gathering

Mark Catton - Having eye surgery on Friday

Pastor Kristine Stedje and the members of First Lutheran Church in Sioux City as they work to diagnose the cause and aftermath of the water leak in their boiler room.

The Living Faith brother or sister you are praying for



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