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Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of January 7)

Last Week

We celebrated Epiphany in the Chapel with Pastor Joy where the three Wise Men made an appearance presenting gifts to Mary, Joseph and the baby!

Thank you to all who assisted in worship: Pastor Joy, Gail Kass, Debbie Gibson, Karen Schroeder, Angela Catton, Peg McAllister, Jenni & Mitchel Mack, Tim Kass, Kevin Richards and Mark Juhl!

This Week

All are welcome to the Chapel located at the Presbyterian United Church of Christ (858 7th Ave. SE). The service will begin at 11:15 with Pastor David Halaas presiding. Park in the rear part of the parking lot and enter through the door marked with the Living Faith sign!

Judd Kopperud will read Scripture and Kari Kopperud will assist with Holy Communion. Gail Kass will accompany us on the piano.

We had a great discussion last Sunday and we invite you to join us this week at 10:15 in Room 103 just prior to worship!

Thank you to Kay Allen and Kari Kopperud for the delicious treats! Yvonne Law will treat us this week!

Our discussion during the hour covered a range of topics including thoughts on current events in the state of Iowa. We reflected on the story of the Wise Men who traveled with hope to see the King and how we need to go into our week as people of hope and do what we can - though it may seem small and lacking in hope of making a difference - to spread light to others!

Did you know Pastor Halaas writes a column periodically for the Sioux City Journal? Here is a link to the latest column he wrote for the Journal last week:

As well, Pastor Joy's son, Carl, wrote a piece last fall which was published in this month's Waterlife Journal of the Western Iowa Synod:

Click on Waterlife Journal, click on Waterlife Journal January 2024 and go to page 29.

Thank you to our brothers and sisters in Christ at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Akron. They have gifted Living Faith with $400 to encourage our new ministry at Living Faith.

Living Faith is blessed by so many and we are grateful for our Immanuel Lutheran friends' generosity!

Giving Opportunities at Living Faith

  1. Stop by the Sign Up table in the hallway outside the Chapel and pick up a list of needs that the SAFE PLACE (formerly known as CSADV) has at this time. You can call the number on the sheet to arrange a delivery or bring your donations to church and we will see that they get there.

2. On Sunday, we took up a special offering for a family in need of housing in our community. The Center for Financial Education is working with this family and has secured an apartment with costs covered with the exception of $400. Living Faith's offering of $427.56 exceeds the goal and will go to the Center for Financial Education to cover the remaining costs!

Thank you Living Faith for your generosity in helping those in our community in need!

Prayer concerns this week:

Baby Morgan and her parents

The family of Kevin Olson

Karin, sister of Ted Hallberg

Pastor Jean and Rich Ziettlow's sister-in-law

Kim Lang's sister, Jane

The Colling Family

The community and students and school personnel in Perry, Iowa

Those suffering from the conflicts occurring overseas



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