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Living Faith Weekly News (Week of January 19, 2025)

Kay Michaelson

Our bin is filling up for our Soup-er Bowl canned soup drive!  Thank you to all who donated and just a reminder that the drive ends on Super Bowl Sunday, February 9th!
Our bin is filling up for our Soup-er Bowl canned soup drive! Thank you to all who donated and just a reminder that the drive ends on Super Bowl Sunday, February 9th!

Last Week

Pastor Scott Egbers brought us a message of how Jesus' miracle of changing water into wine at the wedding at Cana points us to Him and who He is and what He is all about: He has abundant grace and full love for us! Thank you to Pastor Egbers for presiding over worship and Dawn Richards for accompanying us on the piano. Thank you also to the Rathke family for greeting and ushering, Kjersten Rathke for reading scripture, Peg and John McAllister for providing the communion bread and setting up communion, Peg McAllister for assisting with communion, and Tim Kass for ushering and running the sound board. We appreciate all our weekly volunteers at Living Faith to make our worship time special!

Next Week

Next Sunday, the third Sunday after Epiphany, will find Living Faith worshiping in the sanctuary of the Presbyterian United Church of Christ (858 7th Ave. SE) at 11:00 AM.

Pastor Scott Egbers will preside over worship which will include Holy Communion. All are welcome into the warmth of our worship!

Gail Kass will accompany us on the piano, Karen Schroeder will read scripture, Yvonne Law will serve communion and Jim and Sandy Heeren will greet you at the door!

Prior to worship, at 10:00, there is a time of Faith + Fellowship in the Fellowship Hall at the PUCC. The coffee is always on and this week, Mark and Cheryl Juhl will provide the treats! All are invited to join this time of friendship and conversation with our PUCC friends!

Mark your calendars for February 2 when Living Faith will be hosting a Soup and Sandwich Luncheon following worship that day at noon in the Fellowship Hall of the PUCC! There is a sign up sheet on the table in the narthex for food donations for this event - stop by and sign up!

Living Faith's turn at delivering Meals on Wheels begins this week! There is no meal delivery on Monday due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Delivering Tuesday - Friday on the north route will be Yvonne Law and Kay Michaelson. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, Ardis Boetger and Kay Allen will deliver meals and on Thursday, Ardis will be joined by her husband, Randy, to go on the south route.

For the week of January 27, we are in need of someone to assist Karen Schroeder with the north route on Thursday, the 30th, only! Please let Kay know if you are available that day to help out!

Reminder to please try to purchase pop top cans as not all families who are given the cans may have access to a can opener.
Reminder to please try to purchase pop top cans as not all families who are given the cans may have access to a can opener.

A new noisy offering box for 2025 will be out on the sign up table in the narthex on Sunday - how can it be the last Sunday in January already?!

We are still looking for more suggestions on where to donate our 2024 noisy offering of $155.99! Let Kay know your preferences! We will select the recipient at our February 2nd soup luncheon!

The Leadership Team met Sunday after services and will meet at 5:00 on Wednesday followed by meeting with the PUCC Session at 5:30 that day.

Reminder: Living Faith will be holding a congregational meeting soon where voting will take place. In order to vote, one must be a confirmed member who has communed in 2024 or 2025 and has a record of giving in January and February 2025 or any time in 2024. For those who prefer to give cash offerings, please pick up an envelope from the sign up table in the narthex and note your name on the front after you place your gift in the envelope. This way, we can make a record for those who give cash donations. Thank you!

2024 giving statements will be handed out next Sunday, January 26th. If you are not able to be in worship that day or on February 2nd, you can contact Kari Kopperud to have yours mailed to you.

Please hold the following in your daily prayers this week:

Gladys - Grandmother of Julie Hurt

Karin - Sister of Ted Hallberg

Ali - Sister of Julie Hurt

Marilynn - Sister-in-law of Rich and Jean Ziettlow

Nick Gengler

Charlie Sue Brandenburg

Jenni and Mitchel Mack, Casey and Eli and the Theisen family

Pastor Halaas who is traveling to Arizona to care for his mother

The Living Faith Leadership Team

Those impacted by the California fires

Our Nation

The Living Faith brother or sister you are praying for

A Prayer for the Nation (ELW)

Holy Trinity, one God, you show us the splendor of diversity and the beauty of unity in your own divine life. Make us, who come from many nations with many languages, a united people that delights in our many different gifts. Defend our liberties, and give those whom we have entrusted with authority the spirit of wisdom, that there might be justice and peace in our land. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our sovereign and our Savior. Amen.



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P.O. Box 1514 | LeMars, Iowa

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