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Living Faith Weekly News (Week of February 9, 2025)

Kay Michaelson

Living Faith welcomes Travis Balt as our newest member!  Welcome to our faith community, Travis!
Living Faith welcomes Travis Balt as our newest member! Welcome to our faith community, Travis!

Last Week

We welcomed Pastor Halaas back to Living Faith! Pastor Halaas brought us a message of the familiar story of Jesus asking the disciples to be fishers of people. How do you look at a Bible story that is so familiar? It is helpful to ask yourself: "What do I love about this story?" Pastor Halaas' reply to what he loves about today's Bible story? He loves how Jesus just commandeers Peter's boat - God doesn't ask permission to enter your life. He loves how when Jesus is done teaching, He is not done teaching! He loves how Peter does what Jesus says to do in re-casting his nets for fish - it doesn't make sense when he had caught nothing in that same area all night but Peter obeys and catches so many fish! He loves how things change this time around with the fish because Jesus spoke! He loves how Simon Peter realizes that he doesn't really know Jesus and it scares him. It's like us - we are joyful and yet afraid when God gives grace. He loves that Jesus says, "Don't be afraid." One of the many times this is uttered during His ministry. Jesus comes to us in ways we don't expect so try to put aside your doubts and fears!

Thank you to Dawn Richards for accompanying us on the piano, Tim Kass for ushering, Angela Catton for livestreaming our service, to John and Peg McAllister for setting up communion and providing the bread, Debbie Gibson for reading scripture, Marley Stream for assisting with communion, and Jim and Sandy Heeren and Sharon Utesch for assisting with cleaning up afterwards.

Living Faith Welcomes Travis Balt!

Travis and the entire Living Faith community re-affirmed their baptism during our worship service on Sunday. Travis is a vocal instructor for the MOC-FV school system and lives in Orange City. We have been blessed with his musical talents to date!

Congregational Meeting Held Sunday

Living Faith members met following worship and gave input to a new constitution and bylaws. We appreciated all who attended and worked to craft a document which will now be submitted to the Western Iowa Synod Council for approval. This step will enable our congregation to call a rostered minister. Your weekly email will contain the adopted constitution and the minutes of our meeting for your review.

Living Faith will join with our PUCC friends at 10:00 AM on Sunday for the Faith+ Fellowship Hour in the Fellowship Hall.

Next Week

Pastor Halaas will lead Living Faith in worship on Sunday, February 16 at 11:00 AM in the sanctuary of the PUCC. He has announced that his last Sunday with Living Faith will be Sunday, February 23. Please plan to join us for the last two Sundays with this special pastor! Dawn Richards will accompany us on the piano. Nathan Summerside will read scripture on Sunday and Sue Stream will assist with Holy Communion. The Presbyterian United Church of Christ is located on the hill at 858 7th Ave. SE. Park in the front part of the parking lot and enter through the south facing door or the double doors under the portico.

The Meet and Greet tentatively scheduled for Wednesday and the Special Congregational Meeting scheduled for Sunday, February 16th has been postponed. More details in your weekly email!

The Leadership Team will meet on Wednesday, February 12th at 5:00 in Room 103. Additionally, they will be meeting with Pastor Jan and the PUCC Session on Wednesday, February 26th.

Our Annual Meeting will be held on a Sunday to be determined in the month of April. With the adoption of our new constitution, our Leadership Team will need to be dissolved and a Church Council will need to be elected. The Leadership Team will work out staggering terms and will be working on compiling a slate of candidates for your consideration. Please let any Leadership Team member know if you have an interest in serving!


Here are some numbers from our drive: A total of 166 cans of soup have been delivered to The Table at Rejoice! Church! The final tally for the Chiefs vs. Eagles challenge: 21 cans were donated for a Chiefs win and 10 cans favored the Eagles. 10 more cans were on the fence with both teams!

Here is a way Living Faith-ers can serve their neighbors in the month of February!
Here is a way Living Faith-ers can serve their neighbors in the month of February!

There will be a Community Bed Build for Sleep in Heavenly Peace on Saturday, February 22nd, at Total Motors here in Le Mars. Our PUCC friends are welcoming John Peters to their worship service on Sunday at 9:00 AM to talk about this organization and you are invited to attend their service to hear more about the good work this group does in northwest Iowa. Then, on February 22nd, the PUCC is inviting Living Faith to join them in helping at the Bed Build from 9:00 - 11:00. If that time would work for you, here is the link to register to help during this time slot: https://volunteer. There are other shifts that day, so explore this website to find the other times to register if you'd like to help out:

In our final week of delivery, Kay Allen, Yvonne Law and Kay Michaelson will be out and about delivering meals! Thank you to all those who volunteered during January and February: Ardis and Randy Boetger, Kay Allen, Karen Schroeder, Yvonne Law and Kay Michaelson. Our next scheduled time of service will likely be in July!

New prayer partner names were drawn on Sunday! Be watching your email to discover which Living Faith brother or sister you will be praying for in the upcoming months!

Please keep in your prayers:

  • Pastor Halaas' sister, Beth. Beth has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and will soon be undergoing surgery.

  • Ali - Ali is Julie Hurt's sister who is receiving treatment for a breast cancer diagnosis.

  • Tammy Popken - Tammy is undergoing a new treatment regimen for her cancer diagnosis. Tammy is the sister of Roma Lancaster.

  • Karin - Karin is Ted Hallberg's sister and she is undergoing treatment for cancer.

  • Marilynn - Marilynn is the sister-in-law of Rich and Pastor Jean Ziettlow who is undergoing medical procedures.

  • The apartment fire victims in Sioux City last week. Pastor Halaas shared that St. Mark has been designated as an emergency shelter following the fire and is housing 9 - 17 people who have been displaced from the fire. The Red Cross is assisting in providing services to help through this time as well as many other agencies across Sioux City. Prayers of thanksgiving for the hospitality of St. Mark and its members and for those entities who are helping as well.

  • Living Faith and its future as we have adopted a new constitution and are on to the next steps of getting it approved and calling a rostered minister!

    Happy Valentine's Day to Living Faith and All!
    Happy Valentine's Day to Living Faith and All!

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P.O. Box 1514 | LeMars, Iowa

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