Last Week
Thank you to Pastor Kelli Glasgo for making the trip to Le Mars from Fort Dodge to lead Living Faith in worship on the Second Sunday in Advent. Pastor Glasgo is the pastor at the Church of the Damascus Road, a prison ministry within the walls of the men's prisons at Fort Dodge and Rockwell City. He shared a message of how his ministry impacts those who choose to be a part of this congregation and his stories were heart-warming and inspiring - such important ministry is being done there! Thank you, Pastor Kelli, for all you are doing! Pastor Glasgo's wife, Leah, joined us in worship. It was good to have you both here!
Thank you to those who assisted with our service on Sunday: Reader, Nathan Summerside; Communion assistant, Sue Stream; Pianist, Gail Kass; Live-Stream, Angela Catton; Greeters, Jim and Sandy Heeren and Usher and Sound Board, Tim Kass.
This Week
On December 15, we light our third candle, the rose colored Joy candle! Pastor David Halaas will preside over our worship service, Judd Kopperud will read scripture, Marley Stream will assist with Holy Communion, and Dawn Richards will accompany us on the piano! We will all participate in our second Annual No-Prep Christmas program during the service! Living Faith worships in the Sanctuary of the Presbyterian United Church of Christ (858 7th Ave. SE) at 11:00 on Sunday mornings.
All are welcome to join us on Sunday when we will participate in "The Christmas Parade", an intergenerational, no preparation Christmas program! We will visit some inns of Bethlehem, searching for the newborn baby!
The spirit of Christmas doesn't stop on Sunday morning as you are invited to go Christmas Caroling on Sunday (December 15) at 3:00! We will gather at the PUCC with our PUCC friends and go out to carol in the community! Notify Kay if there is someone you would like the group to carol to! Following our outing, we will return to the PUCC to enjoy a soup supper!
Two Christmas Eve Worship Opportunities!
Living Faith - 1:00 Worship in the Sanctuary of the PUCC with Pastor David Halaas presiding.
PUCC - 5:30 Candlelight Service in the Sanctuary of the PUCC with Pastor Jan Christensen presiding.
**Please note the corrected start time for the PUCC service!
Living Faith and the PUCC will join together to hold an intergenerational worship service in the PUCC Fellowship Hall the Sunday after Christmas, December 29th at 10:00 AM! This service will feature hands on activities for all ages as the Christmas story is retold! We need 4 more readers of a short text for this service. Please see the sign up sheet on the Living Faith table in the Narthex! Following the service, stay to enjoy the cocoa bar and conversation! There is a sign up sheet on the PUCC table if you'd like to bring an item for the refreshments. Please note that there will be no Communion this day.
Introducing the 2024 Living Faith Christmas Ornament!
Please find these ornaments on the sign up table this weekend and pick one up for your tree! There are enough for one per Living Faith household! Thank you to Peg McAllister for her hospitality in crafting these in her creative laboratory at her home!
A huge THANK YOU to all who contributed to Living Faith's Cereal Drive during this Advent season! Your donations plus the $300 gift from Ruth Peters that went towards this effort, made our goal of 350 boxes of cereal for the Le Mars Backpack Program happen! Next week, the children in the Backpack Program will be able to take home a box of cereal to go towards their nutrition needs over the Christmas break from school!
Tour of Steeples
Last Saturday, a group of Living Faith-ers went to the Tour of Steeples in Sioux City. Our first stop was at St. Mark Lutheran, Pastor Halaas' Sioux City church and from there we went to eight other churches - not quite making it to all twelve in the time alotted! Here are a few of the photos that didn't always do justice to the variety and beauty of the sanctuaries we visited!
Living Faith is invited to celebrate Mark Catton's retirement with him and his family at a Community Open House on Friday, December 13 from 3:00 - 6:00 at the Willow Creek Golf Course clubhouse, 935 Park Lane! Mark is the owner of M. Catton Co. here in Le Mars, which specializes in museum and exhibition installations and his work is featured throughout the United States! Stop on out to greet Mark! Congratulations and best wishes on this new chapter for you, Mark!
Dave Grosenheider
Nick Gengler
Charlie Sue Brandenburg
Ali Paladino
Marilynn Engelbrecht
Gladys Kock
Gary Schmid
Living Faith's Leadership Team
The Living Faith Brother or Sister you are praying for