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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of August 27)

Thank you for the yard sign, Deacon Haitz!

Last Week

Living Faith was blessed by Deacon Eric Haitz and Pastor Jean Ziettlow's leadership in worship! Thank you to Deacon Eric for the guitar accompaniment and message you shared with us! If you were not able to be with us on Sunday, you can find the entire service on our Living Faith Facebook account!

Thank you to Tim Kass, Angela Catton, Sue Stream and Debbie Gibson for your contributions to our worship service!

This Week

Pastor Jean Ziettlow will be in the Chapel at the PUCC at 11:00 to preside at our worship service! Dave Grosenheider and Rich Ziettlow will lead our worship music! Peg McAllister will read Scripture and Kay Michaelson will assist with Communion.

The coffee is always on in Room 103 at 10:00 on Sunday for Faith + Fellowship Time! Cheryl Juhl will be providing treats this week. Thank you to Gail Kass for providing treats last week!

Following the sharing of highs and lows, we will discuss the Gospel lesson for this Sunday: Matthew 16: 21 - 28. What does it mean to lose your life?

God's Work Our Hands Sunday will turn into God's Work Our Hands Month at Living Faith! Here's how Living Faith will be serving our worshiping community and the Le Mars community:

  1. Assisting the Schroeders: Look for the sign up sheet on the table in the hallway outside the Chapel to sign up for how you can help Jim and Karen. There are opportunities to bring in meals, mow their lawn, and help with vacuuming. You can sign up for specific days to bring in a meal either for noontime or evening. We will develop a list of those willing to mow and then Karen will let us know a few days in advance if the lawn needs to be tended to. Later this fall, there will also be raking we can help with.

2. Undie Sunday: The Western Iowa Synod is encouraging worshiping communities to donate underwear for western Iowa shelters as an emphasis for God's Work Our Hands. Living Faith has contacted the Le Mars Community Middle School and High School nurse as to the needs those offices might have for underwear because this is an often overlooked need. The school nurse reports that donations of underwear would be most appreciated and there is storage available for donations. As a result, Living Faith will be collecting underwear for teens over the next few weeks. Look for this basket on the table in the hallway to leave your donations:

Living Faith is invited to a celebration of Pastor Trish Underberg's 30th year of ordination on September 10th at St. John Lutheran Church, Craig by the Craig congregation and St. John, Akron. At 2:00 there will be a celebratory worship service at the church followed by a walk to the park for sandwiches.

Pastor Trish has shown great support for Living Faith and now Living Faith gets the opportunity to support her!


Christ in Our Home devotional subscription sign-up is available now on the sign up table.

Subscriptions are $11 for a year or $15 a year for the large print edition. Sign up on the sheet and put payment in the marked envelope. If you choose to pay by check, please make checks out to Kay Michaelson.

The first devotional will arrive late November to early December and will be for the first three months of 2024.

Invitations from Pastor Jan and the Presbyterian United Church of Christ:

On September 17, at the 10:00 service, an international peacekeeper, Efi Latsoudi, will be speaking. Efi is from Greece and works with immigrants and migrants in Europe.

The PUCC's Children's Chapel will start up the second Sunday in October. Living Faith preschoolers - 5th graders are invited to participate in this children's ministry. The approximate time is 10:15 - 10:50. Children's Chapel does not meet the first Sunday of each month.

Celebrating in September!


Gail Kass - September 4

Kathy Stelzer - September 6

Noah Watson - September 8

Kay Michaelson - September 9

Yvonne Law - September 10

Sherri Permeswaran - September 10

Marley Stream - September 19

Melinda Shipley - September 22

Baptism Anniversaries

Sharon Utesch - September 3

Marley Stream - September 19

Casey Mack - September 20

Yvonne Law - September 26

Information above is available due to the submission of information sheets turned in. Apologies if you have a special date in September that is not noted above. Please let Kay Michaelson know if there is a date that should be added to this September list!

Upcoming dates to put on your calendar:

September 3 - 24 - Undie Sunday - Drop your drawers for LCS teens in the basket on the sign-up table

September 10 - Celebration for Pastor Trish at St. John, Craig - 2:00

September 17 - PUCC Peacekeeper speaks at 10:00 PUCC worship

October 1 - S'mores and Ashes Fellowship Time at the Pit Park in Le Mars at 7:00 pm. We will burn the palm branches from Palm Sunday to prepare ashes for Ash Wednesday 2024! Then we'll enjoy s'mores and other fun!

October 8 - Worshiping Community All Member Potluck and Meeting - Noon in the PUCC Fellowship Hall. After the potluck, Living Faith members will meet to make decisions about benevolence partners, local mission projects, and faith-building activities for each other.

Thank you message from Karen Schroeder:

A big thank you to all who sent cards, brought in food, offered prayers, and assisted in projects following my hip accident. It is very much appreciated! I hope to be back with you soon.

Karen Schroeder

Please keep the following individuals in your daily prayers:

The Living Faith member you are praying for.

Baby Morgan for progress in the development of her lungs.

Kevin Olson, step-father of Nick Shipley, who is dealing with a cancer diagnosis.

Linda Mayrose and family who are mourning the loss of Linda's sister, Karen Bugge.

Karen Schroeder who is healing from her hip accident.

The families of Don Lake and Jolene Hamann who mourn their recent passing.

Residents of Hawaii and Florida who are recovering from disasters to their states.

Sunday is National Pastor's Spouses Day - we're thankful for all the spouses who support the pastors who have served Living Faith!



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