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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of August 25, 2024)

Blessing the Living Faith students and school personnel as they begin their school year!

Last Week

Pastor Halaas finished his August sermon series on the Book of Faith, Opening the Scriptures. His last message in the series focused on reading the scriptures through our Lutheran lens - the Lutheran point of view. This lens includes coming to the Bible humbly, mindfully, attentively, in the midst of a faithful community - letting our stories interact with others' stories as we study the Bible together, prayerfully - asking the Holy Spirit to guide our reading, and expectantly. Come to the Bible with a "Teach me!" lens!

Thank you to Pastor Halaas for his message and presiding over our time of worship. Thank you to Mike Rathke for accompanying us on the piano, Angela Catton for livestreaming our service, Tim Kass for ushering, Judd Kopperud for reading Scriptures for our service, and Kim Lang for assisting with serving communion.

Pastor Halaas speaks about reading the Bible through our Lutheran lens.
Thank you, Judd, for reading Sunday's lessons for us!
Tim faithfully ushers for us each Sunday!

Living Faith's rousing greeting time!

Thank you, Kim and Mike, for your contributions to our worship!

Living Faith Celebrates Back to School with the Blessing of the Backpacks!

Students and school personnel were recipients of a special blessing for the 2024 - 2025 school year and a "Jesus loves me" tag for their school bags and backpacks to remind all that Jesus goes with them during their school days!

Stop by the sign up table and pick up a pack of M & M's to keep students and school personnel in your prayers in these days of a new school year!

This Week

Living Faith will be worshiping in the Chapel of the PUCC at 11:00 on Sunday morning. Pastor Halaas will preside over worship, Mike Rathke will accompany us on the piano and if you would like to read Scripture or assist with Holy Communion, please let Kay know.

Stop by Room 103 at 10:00 on Sunday to enjoy a time of Faith + Fellowship with your Living Faith friends! The coffee will be on and we will visit with each other and discuss the Gospel reading we will be hearing during worship!

Last Sunday's extreme heat caused the postponement of our S'mores and Ashes event.

We have rescheduled S'mores and Ashes for Sunday, September 22nd at 6:00. We will still meet at the Municipal Park, out by the golf course in Le Mars. Once we burn the palm branches from Palm Sunday to create the ashes for Ash Wednesday 2025, we will build a bonfire and enjoy s'mores! Bring a lawn chair - everything else will be provided!

Christ in Our Home Devotionals

If you receive the "Christ in Our Home" devotional, it is time to renew your subscription. Likewise, this information is for you if you'd like to be a new subscriber!

You can renew online or take out a new subscription by following this link:

If you wish to renew via mail, please see Kay Michaelson.

Upcoming Concert!

Acoustic Storytime hosted by Jason Gray with Jordan St. Cyr and Bay Turner will be coming to Le Mars courtesy of Spirit 712 on Saturday, September 14 at 7:00 PM at Rejoice! Church. Doors open at 6:00. Tickets are $15 per person with children 10 and under admitted free of charge. Tickets can be purchased at Hotopp's, KLEM or from the Spirit 712 website:

Online giving is available for you if you would like to give your Living Faith offerings in this manner.

Applications are out on the sign up table and if you have questions about this method of giving, please visit with Kari Kopperud. She will be happy to give you further information!

Service Opportunities at Living Faith!

Living Faith continues its drive to collect new boys' and girls' underwear for the nurses' offices at Le Mars Community Schools' elementaries. The school nurse reports that she is in specific need of boys' small sizes of underwear as well as small sizes of boys' shorts. Drop your drawers in the collection basket on the sign up table. Underwear will be collected through September 8th.

Here is the schedule for Sunday, September 8th - God's Work Our Hands Sunday:

11:00 - Worship in the Chapel

12:00 - Pizza Feed in the PUCC Fellowship Hall - Pizza and pop provided. Please bring a dessert to share!

1:00 - We will thank our PUCC friends for their hospitality to Living Faith over the past few years by doing some sprucing up projects around the PUCC!

1. Painting the portico trim. We will need volunteers to climb the ladders provided and scrape and paint the trim on the 3 sides of the portico. Please bring paint clothes to change in to. All supplies will be provided. Let Tim Kass know if you'd like to help with this particular project!

2. Raking the pea gravel from the grass back onto the playground surface. Bring a rake to help with this task.

3. Cleaning woodwork in the narthex and in the Sanctuary. Cleaning the chairs and tabletops in the Fellowship Hall. Bring buckets and rags. Cleaning products will be provided.

Noah's Ark Preschool Carnival

Noah's Ark Preschool Board is hosting a carnival for Noah's Ark students and their families on Sunday, September 15th from 3 - 5 PM at the PUCC. PUCC and Living Faith members are invited to help with this service to the preschool community! There is a sign up sheet on the table outside the chapel for you to volunteer with the following needs: Set up, tear down, booth supervision - photo booth, lollipop pick, guessing booth, ticket booth/scavenger hunt, donation booth, face painting/tattoo, and bouncy house. All supplies will be provided.

Did you know that Living Faith participates in the Le Mars Chamber's Welcome Basket program?

Living Faith gives out boxes of popcorn with a note welcoming and inviting newcomers to Le Mars to visit Living Faith! This promotion was created by Angela Catton and recently, Kortney Kopperud volunteered to put together more boxes and messages to be delivered to the Chamber.

Ready for delivery to the Chamber!

Living Faith Celebrates Special September Dates!


Gail Kass - September 4

Kathy Stelzer - September 6

Noah Watson - September 8

Kay Michaelson - September 9

Yvonne Law - September 10

Sherri Permeswaran - September 10

Nick Shipley - September 20

Melinda Shipley - September 22

Baptismal Birthdays:

Sharon Utesch - September 5

Casey Mack - September 20

Yvonne Law - September 26


Yvonne Law will be remembering her wedding day to Don Law on September 17.

Please hold these dear ones in prayer this week:

Marilynn - Sister-in-law of Rich and Jean Ziettlow

Gladys - Grandmother of Julie Hurt

Karin - Sister of Ted Hallberg

Ali - Sister of Julie Hurt

The families of Patrick Heissel and Dr. Steven Saulsbury

The members of First Lutheran Church in Sioux City

The Living Faith brother or sister you are praying for



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