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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of August 18, 2024)

We welcome you to the Chapel on Sunday for the final message of our sermon series, "Opening the Book of Faith".

Last Week

Living Faith heard about the third way to approach reading the Bible: Recognizing literary styles: Narrative stories - History - Biography - Poetry - Prose - Speeches - Letters - Essays.

43% of the Bible is of the narrative style - that of story telling. 33% of the Bible is poetry and 24% is prose discourse, that is, speeches, letters, and essays. Recognizing the literary style of what you are reading is helpful in setting your mind to what you are reading! When you read a narrative story, ask yourself: What is the plot? Who are the characters? What is the theme of this passage? What is the setting for this passage?

Thank you to those who contributed to our worship service on Sunday: Gail Kass, Judd and Kari Kopperud, Yvonne Law, Nathan Summerside, Pastor Trish Underberg, Tim Kass, Kay Michaelson and Pastor David Halaas.

Conor Rathke spoke about his trip to the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans and thanked Living Faith for the monetary and prayer support given to him before and during his trip. Conor reports the next Youth Gathering is in 3 years in Minneapolis, MN and he encourages all eligible youth to take advantage of this experience the ELCA offers!

Kari Kopperud shared information with Living Faith about the option of handling offerings through online giving. There are applications for this on the sign-up table outside the chapel if you are interested in this method of handling your giving to Living Faith. You can designate an amount and if you wish this to be withdrawn from your account weekly or monthly. You have the option of making changes at any time to what you set up initially - you merely have to fill out a new application to make those changes.

This Week

Pastor Halaas wraps up the sermon series, "Opening the Book of Faith", by sharing the Lutheran theological reading of the Bible. Come hear about these questions to consider when reading from the Lutheran perspective: In what ways does this text point to or lead us to Christ? Can other passages in the Bible help us understand or interpret this passage? What is the plain meaning of this text? Is the interpretation we are commending accessible to everyone?

Come to the Chapel of the Presbyterian United Church of Christ, 858 7th Ave. SE, at 11:00 on Sunday morning and join us for worship and this sermon series finale from Pastor Halaas! Park in the back part of the parking lot, enter the door marked with the Living Faith logo and go down the hallway, turning to your left and the Chapel is at the end of that long hallway.

Mike Rathke will be at the piano for us, Tim Kass will be ushering, Judd Kopperud will read Scripture, Kim Lang will assist with Communion and Angela Catton will be livestreaming the service for us.

Students and School Workers! Bring your backpacks and school bags to worship on Sunday!

During worship on Sunday, Living Faith will pray a blessing on the students and school personnel as they begin the 2024 - 2025 school year! Those receiving a blessing should bring their backpacks and bags as special tags will be distributed to put on your bags to remind you that God goes with you during the school year!

Those members of Living Faith who work for our schools are: Jim Heeren (Bus driver), Judd (HS Guidance) and Kari Kopperud (Elem. Guidance), Kjersten Rathke (Elem. Music), Caleb Van Otterloo (MS PE), Dawn MacGregor (1st grade) and Travis Balt (HS Vocal Music).

Students of Living Faith returning to the classroom are: Kortney (11th), Jordan (8th) and Jess (6th) Kopperud, Casey Mack (Preschool), Marley Stream (9th), Shawn Shipley (3rd), Conor (10th), Nathan (7th) and Owen (4th) Rathke, Kinley Van Otterloo (1st), Claire (5th), Emily (3rd), Abby (1st), and Aubrey (Preschool) Odens, Hudson MacGregor (6th) and Grace Heeren (Jr. at ISU).

Please let Kay know if there are any errors in the above information or if you have inadvertently been left off this list.

Faith + Fellowship takes place at 10:00 prior to worship in Room 103 of the PUCC.

During this hour, we enjoy fellowship time together over a cup of coffee and then we take a look at the Gospel text for the morning and discuss it together.

Thank you to Kari Kopperud for bringing in hot-out-of-the-oven treats on Sunday and Tim Kass for brewing up coffee!



Ashes and Smores on Sunday, August 25th, 6:30 at the Municipal Park!

Bring a lawn chair and join in the burning of the palm branches from Palm Sunday in preparation of Ash Wednesday 2025! Afterwards, we will build a bonfire and roast marshmallows for smores! Come join this time of fellowship for Living Faith!

Here are ways you can serve your community!

Undies Sundays!

Living Faith is collecting new underwear for elementary students in Le Mars. The nurse's offices at our elementary schools is in need of underwear for ages 4 - 5th grades for both boys and girls. Often, students come to the nurse's office in need of these items and we are taking the Sundays of August 25, September 1 and September 8 to collect donations which will then be presented to Rhonda Lassen, elementary school nurse for LCS. Drop your drawers in the collection basket on the table outside the Chapel of the PUCC where we worship! Thank you for your generosity!

Noisy Offering Collection on Sunday, August 25!

The noisy offering coin collection box will be out on the sign up table this coming Sunday! Bring your coins to worship and drop them in the box!

Soon we will be drawing to see which charity in or near Le Mars will be the recipient of our year's collection!

The Leadership Team is working on plans for God's Work Our Hands Sunday on September 8th. Look for details in upcoming weekly news!

Noah's Ark Back to Preschool Carnival - Sunday, September 15 from 3PM - 5PM

Help is needed with this community project and a sign up sheet can be found following services on our sign up table. The different booths are listed on the right. The Preschool Board will be providing the materials for each booth and Living Faith can assist with manning the booths and helping to clean up following the event. Confirmation students of Living Faith should consider signing up and helping on this day to fulfill service requirements for their program!

Yvonne Law, Sandy Heeren, Kay Allen and Kay Michaelson helped to clean a portion of the church kitchen at the PUCC Saturday morning. They adjourned to Bellisimo's for coffee and conversation - look who joined in the fun!!

Please hold in prayer:

Gladys - grandmother of Julie Hurt

Ali - sister of Julie Hurt

Karin - sister of Ted Hallberg

Marilynn - sister-in-law of Rich and Jean Ziettlow

Tyler - son of Bob and Debbie Gibson

The family of Pat Heissel

The members of First Lutheran Church in Sioux City

The Living Faith brother or sister you are praying for



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