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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of August 11, 2024)

Join us for our August sermon series of Opening the Book of Faith!

Last Week

Pastor Halaas delivered a message on the second approach to reading the Bible: Historical Reading. Here are questions to consider when you are reading a Bible passage that an historical perspective would consider: Who wrote this passage? Why was this text written?

Where was this text written, and what do we know about that part of the ancient world? How is this text similar to other ancient stories? When was this text written and what do we know about that time in history?

Ardis Boetger reported on her recent trip to Tanzania to work with the STEMM mission program. She related how grateful Tanzanians are for what they have and what people do for them. She spoke about what she did each day and the emotions she experienced with all the interactions she had. If you would like to hear more about Ardis' trip and have any interest in traveling to Tanzania on a STEMM mission trip, Ardis would be happy to visit with you. She has lots more stories to tell!

Thank you to Pastor Halaas, Gail Kass, Ardis Boetger, Tim Kass, and Peg McAllister for your contributions to our worship service last week!

This Week

We would love to have you join us in the chapel for worship at the Presbyterian United Church of Christ (858 7th Ave. SE) at 11:00! Park in the back of the parking lot and enter through the door marked with the Living Faith logo. We will learn about the third approach to reading the Bible: Literary Reading! Gail Kass will be at the piano and Yvonne Law will read Scripture. Nathan Summerside will assist with Holy Communion.

Kari Kopperud will give Living Faith members information about on-line giving for those who wish to give their offerings this way.

Living Faith comes together for a Faith + Fellowship time at 10:00 in Room 103, just down the hallway from the Chapel.

During this time, we enjoy refreshments, catch up on how the week went for us all, and this Sunday, we will read the Gospel lesson for the day from the historical perspective which Pastor Halaas spoke about last Sunday. Thank you to Gail Kass for the treats last week and Tim Kass for brewing the coffee!

Here are events coming up in the month of August!

Students in grade 6 - 9 and parents are invited to St. John, Akron, on Wednesday, August 21at 7:00 PM to get information on the upcoming year of learning. Confirmation instruction will begin on Wednesday, September 11 at 7:00 at St. John, Akron. If you have questions about this program please see Kari Kopperud or Kay Michaelson.

Students and School Staff! Bring your backpacks and school bags to our worship time in the Chapel on Sunday, August 25 at 11:00. We will offer prayers for the upcoming school year and each student and school worker will received a key tag for their bags!

Smores and Ashes on August 25 at 6:30!

We will burn the Palm Sunday palm leaves on Sunday, August 25th at 6:30 at the Municipal Park to make the ashes we will use on Ash Wednesday! Come to watch this burn and stay for the smores - fest afterwards! Bring a lawn chair and enjoy a time of Living Faith fellowship!

Here is a way you can serve the community this month: Le Mars Community School's elementary nurse's offices are in need of underwear for preschoolers through fifth grade boys and girls. Living Faith will collect underwear from August 18 - September 8th. Please "drop your drawers" in the marked basket on the table outside the Chapel! Thank you for your donations for our children!

Thank you to all who helped with delivering Meals on Wheels over the past few weeks:

Yvonne Law, Kay Allen, Ardis Boetger, Rich and Jean Ziettlow, Kari Kopperud, Karen Schroeder, and Kay Michaelson.

The next time Living Faith will be out and about delivering meals will be the weeks of January 20 - 31, 2025.

This service project runs from 10:40 - approximately 11:40 Mondays through Fridays.

Please consider signing up to help when our turn comes next!

Look What Was Delivered to Living Faith's Post Office Box Recently!

This week we pray for:

  • Marilynn - sister-in-law of Rich and Jean Ziettlow

  • Ali - sister of Julie Hurt

  • Ashley - daughter of Dell and June Ferguson

  • Karin - sister of Ted Hallberg

  • Gladys - grandmother of Julie Hurt

  • Tyler - son of Bob and Debbie Gibson

  • The members of First Lutheran Church in Sioux City

  • Your Living Faith brother and sister you are each praying for

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Living Faith Lutheran Church

P.O. Box 1514 | LeMars, Iowa

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