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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of April 7, 2024)

Living Faith worships on the second Sunday of Easter with Pastor David Halaas

Last Week

Thank you to Pastor Halaas for his leadership in worship last Sunday. You are encouraged to go to the Living Faith Facebook page and take some time to listen to Pastor Halaas' sermon which was very personal to Living Faith and its members! Pastor Halaas spoke of 7 Faith Practices for our fledgling church: Pray, Study, Worship, Invite, Encourage, Serve and Give. Living Faith will strive to put these seven practices in action for this year!

During Celebration Time, Pastor Halaas asked us to share the first name of someone older than ourselves who influenced our faith. Members shared names of parents, grandparents, aunts, other relatives, Sunday School teachers, Pastors, and friends. Who is someone who was special in your faith life and its growth?

Thank you's go out to Dawn Richards for accompanying us, Karen Schroeder for reading Scripture, Peg McAllister for baking the communion bread and assisting in serving Communion, Bob and Debbie Gibson for greeting, Tim Kass for ushering, and Angela Catton for live streaming the service.

This Week

St. Mark in Sioux City and Pastor Halaas invite you to worship with them at 9:00 Sunday morning! Following worship, Living Faith will be guests at their Q + A Session at 9:55. Living Faith will have the opportunity to visit with St. Mark about our worship community's beginnings. We will leave promptly at 10:40 to return to Le Mars for Living Faith's 11:15 service. Pastor Halaas reports that you will see and hear different things at each service! Wear your Living Faith gear!

We will car pool at the PUCC, leaving at 8:15 for Sioux City. Join us to share rides or you can travel on your own if you'd like. St. Mark is at 5200 Glenn Avenue. Take the bypass and exit at the Morningside Avenue exit, then turn left when you get to Glenn Avenue. St. Mark will be on your left!

At Living Faith on Sunday, Gail Kass will accompany us on the piano, Kim Lang will read Scripture and Todd Lang will assist with Communion. If you would like to greet and welcome people at the door, please let Kay know!

Because of the invitation to St. Mark on Sunday, there will be NO Faith + Fellowship this coming Sunday.

We will resume our discussions on Sunday, April 21.

We had a very interesting and thought-provoking discussion last Sunday! Join us on the 21st to add your perspective to the conversation!

Living Faith Annual Meeting on April 7th

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our potluck meal prior to our Annual Meeting on Sunday! Such. Good. Food! A special thanks to Kari Kopperud for smoking the pork and pulling it for the sandwiches we enjoyed!

Highlights of our Second Annual Meeting!

Pastor Halaas began the meeting with information for Living Faith!

Tim Kass, president of the Leadership Team, led the business meeting.

On behalf of Living Faith, Angela Catton presented Mark Juhl with a gift of appreciation for his contributions to the Leadership Team! Thank you, Mark, for your leadership!

Todd Lang was affirmed as the newest member of the Leadership Team!

We closed the meeting with prayer.

Living Faith members! Check your email this week for the minutes from this meeting along with the approved budget for 2024.

Pictured is Pastor Del Olivier, a volunteer for Sleep in Heavenly Peace who accepted Living Faith's donations with great gratitude!

Do you know someone who is looking for a church home? Living Faith would like to officially welcome new members on Sunday, April 28th!

Please contact Pastor Halaas or any member of the Leadership Team if you would like to become a member or if you know someone who would like to be contacted about membership!

Meals on Wheels Service Project

Living Faith has been assigned their weeks to help deliver Meals on Wheels: July 22 - 26 and July 29 - August 2, 2024 and January 20 - 24 and 27 - 31, 2025.

Be looking for a sign up sheet to take a route some time in late May and early June!

If you are in need of Pastoral Care, please contact Pastor David Halaas at 701-430-3393 or by

Please check your email to find information on the Living Faith member you will be praying for over the next few months! Let Kay Michaelson know if you did not get your email.

Please keep the following in prayer this week:

Rick Stream

Marilynn - Sister-in-law of the Ziettlows

Gladys -Julie Hurt's grandmother

Kipp - Mark and Cheryl Juhl's nephew

Stu & Karla Dekkenga and family

Donna - Gail Kass' mother

Karin - Ted Hallberg's sister

Ben Green and his family

The Living Faith brother or sister you are praying for

Living Faith's new member Sunday on April 28th



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