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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of April 28, 2024)

Last Week

Thank you to all who contributed to worship on Sunday: Pastor Halaas, Peg McAllister, Tim Kass, Karen Schroeder and Angela Catton!

Pastor Halaas has spoken of finding your "grateful center" and this week he talked about connections and connectedness among people. Do you feel the connectedness at Living Faith? A tangible way to experience the connectedness is by observing our before-worship activity at Living Faith: Do you hear the excited voices? Do you hear the laughter? Do you hear the gratitude members express in seeing each other, catching up with one another and being together in worship? Such caring, joy, and connectedness! May we continue to develop this connectedness within our walls of worship and as we go out in the world!

This Week

Pastor Halaas will lead us in worship on this Sixth Sunday of Easter. Living Faith worships in the chapel of the Presbyterian United Church of Christ (858 7th Ave. SE) at 11:15 on Sunday mornings! Park in the back part of the parking lot and enter through the door marked with the Living Faith logo. Debbie Gibson will read Scripture. If you would like to greet or help to serve communion, please let Kay Michaelson know.

Tim Kass will have the coffee going for you on Sunday morning at 10:15 for our Faith + Fellowship time! Thank you to Sharon Utesch for providing treats last week!

The conversation is always thought-provoking - come and join us!

Living Faith would like to honor mothers both living and in heaven this coming Mother's Day.

Please email or text a favorite picture of your mother to Kay Michaelson: 712-540-5368 or by Thursday, May 9th.

Thank you!

Pentecost Sunday is May 19th and Living Faith would like to organize a choir for this special Sunday's 11:15 service.

If you would like to sing in the choir on the 19th, please let Kay know via email or text and once we gauge the interest, we will set a rehearsal time.

On Sunday, we heard stories from last Friday night's tornadoes which tore through Nebraska and Iowa. Pastor Halaas mentioned that our St. Mark friends had family members who lost their home in the storm.

Lutheran Disaster Response is an arm of the ELCA designed to provide relief to those impacted by disasters in our nation and world.

From the ELCA website: "In the aftermath of tornadoes, Lutheran Disaster Response works with ELCA synods, social ministry organizations and community-based groups to support local responses. Together we accompany impacted communities through disaster case management, construction management, providing relief supplies and addressing other unmet needs.

Gifts given to Lutheran Disaster Response equip us to respond to this and other disasters, whenever and wherever they strike. Gifts designated to “U.S. Tornadoes" will be restricted to and used in full (100%) for those affected by tornadoes."

To make a donation to Lutheran Disaster Response, you can go to or mail your donation to ELCA, PO Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-8009 or call 800-638-3522 or put a check in the Living Faith offering plate and write in the memo Lutheran Disaster Response.

From the ELCA website, a prayer after storms:

Gracious God,

Your word of peace stills the storms that rage in our world.

Bring hope to places that know devastation in the calm after the tornadoes.

Bring comfort to those who grieve the loss of loved ones and property.

Let your love be known through those who work to bring order in the chaos.

Help us to shoulder the burden of the suffering.

And make us bearers of the hope that can be found in you.

Through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

What's your Leadership Team up to?

The Leadership Team members are Tim Kass, Todd Lang, Angela Catton, Kari Kopperud, Kay Michaelson and Pastor Halaas. The Team will be meeting on Thursday to make plans for Pentecost and the upcoming summer months' worship, fellowship, and service opportunities.

Please keep these dates in mind:

Saturday, June 15 - Ice Cream Days Parade

Sunday, July 21 - Outdoor worship at O'Toole Park - Dave Grosenheider and Rich Ziettlow will be back to lead us in song!

July 22 - August 2 - Deliver Meals on Wheels

There's a lot of celebrating going on with Living Faith in May!


Dawn Richards - May 3

Tim Kass - May 17

Todd Lang - May 20

Ted Hallberg - May 22

Shawn Shipley - May 23

Angela Catton - May 24

Mark Juhl - May 29

Mark Stelzer - May 30

Jordan Kopperud - May 31

Baptismal Birthdays:

Jean Ziettlow - May 1

Judd Kopperud - May 3

Eli Mack - May 8

Kevin Richards - May 8

Tyler Gibson - May 17

Nathan Summerside - May 20

Mark Catton - May 24


Mark & Kathy Stelzer - May 18

Tim & Gail Kass - May 20

Please hold in prayer:

Gabe Garcia - Marley Stream's brother who is a 2nd grader at Kluckhohn. He has a concussion resulting from an incident at school. He is recovering at home. Please pray for complete healing that he may resume activities he loves.

Karin - Ted Hallberg's sister

Gladys - Julie Hurt's grandmother

Ben Green and his family

Rhonda - Gail Kass' sister

Marilynn - Rich and Jean Ziettlow's sister-in-law

Kipp - nephew of Mark and Cheryl Juhl

Hannah Curtis and Andrew Cox - Hannah's mother recently passed away

Relatives of our St. Mark's friends who lost their home in the tornadoes

All those impacted by the tornado activity last week and those who are assisting in recovery.

The Living Faith brother or sister you are praying for



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