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  • Kay Michaelson

Living Faith Weekly News (Week of April 23)


Thumbs up on a very special Charter Signing Day for Living Faith!

Living Faith Lutheran Caps Off Synod Assembly Weekend with Charter Signing and Adoption of their Constitution!

Sunday, April 23rd, was a very special day as Living Faith Lutheran Church hosted a Charter Signing followed by a business meeting where our Synodically Authorized Worship Community Constitution was adopted and the Leadership Team was reaffirmed. We celebrated with coffee and cookies, heard words from Bishop Lorna Halaas who joined us for worship, and worshiped at an inspiring church service led by Pastor Denne! (Did you feel the Spirit in the room?!)

Karen Schroeder receiving her certificate of membership.

Kari and Jess Kopperud signing the charter.

Carol & Ted Hallberg and Sharon Utesch wait their turn!

Jenni & Eli Mack are members of Living Faith!

Celebration cookies put a smile on Shawn's face!

Bishop Lorna Halaas reflects on Living Faith's past year.

Jess Kopperud assists Pastor Denne.

Reminder! If you were not able to attend the Charter Signing on Sunday, you will have an opportunity to sign this coming Sunday and into the month of May!

We had 42 in worship on Sunday and our offering totaled $910.

Western Iowa Synod Assembly Recap!

The WIS Assembly took place at the Convention Center here in Le Mars on April 21 and 22. So many Living Faith members attended and assisted at this event - THANK YOU to all: Yvonne Law, Mark & Cheryl Juhl, Mark & Kathy Stelzer, Judd & Kari Kopperud, Debbie Gibson, Kim Lang, Sharon Utesch, Sue Stream, Mark & Angela Catton, Brian & Kay Michaelson, June Ferguson, Tim & Gail Kass, Sandy Heeren, Sherri Permeswaran, Rich & Jean Ziettlow, Dawn Richards and Pastor Denne.

Yvonne Law was Living Faith's delegate to the Convention and here are her comments:

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to attend the Western Iowa Synod Assembly April 21st and 22nd as your delegate.

The theme of the Assembly was "A Place for You." Opening the Assembly on Friday was the Remembrance of Baptism, which involved each table pouring their water into a large Baptismal Bowl.

Troy Troftgruben, from Wartburg Theological Seminary, led us in discussion of "Conversation and Church in a Divided World' on Friday and also on Saturday with a discussion of "Practicing Things That Matter". These discussions included each table visiting about various questions.

We also heard reports from the Synod Staff and Synod Council Officers. Friday evening closed with worship and Holy Communion.

Saturday included reports from Ministry Partners and from our Faith Lutheran Leadership Team. Secretary Sue Rothmeyer, from the Chicago office, addressed the Assembly. Elections were held, resolutions were passed and new officers were installed. The Assembly closed with a worship service and Holy Communion.

Thank you again for allowing me to attend. It was a great experience."

An offering of just over $6,500 was taken at the Synod Assembly and given to Living Faith Lutheran. As well, Lost Island Lutheran Church of Ruthven, Iowa is celebrating their 150th anniversary this year and graciously gave $150 to Living Faith in honor of their anniversary. All they ask is that in 150 years, Living Faith does the same! This generosity as well as many words of support and encouragement were extended to Living Faith throughout the Convention. We will have thank you cards for you to sign this Sunday to send to the Western Iowa Synod and Lost Island Lutheran Church.

Tim Kass with representatives of Lost Island Lutheran Church!

Synod Assembly photos:

June Ferguson, the Whipped Cream Queen of the Community Breakfast!

Sue Stream ready to help out!

Living Faith Leadership gives a presentation about their journey this past year.

Living Faith members at the Saturday Assembly session!

Here is a video of the Powerpoint presentation the Leadership Team gave at the Assembly:

This week at Living Faith!

Kay Michaelson will read Scripture and Peg McAllister will assist with Communion.

You are invited to the PUCC Breakfast from 8:30 - 9:45 in the Fellowship Hall. Then come on in to the Youth Room for Faith + Fellowship time from 10:00 - 10:45!

Service Opportunity Awaits!

Pastor Trish Underberg reports that there will soon be a build night for Sleep in Heavenly Peace. She will keep us posted about date, time and location. If you are interested in helping to construct beds for children in the area, this is for you! BUT, you need not have a construction background to participate - all are welcome to come and you will have a task to do!

Prayer Requests

Please keep Karen Schroeder's brother in your prayers. He has been recently hospitalized.

Carol Hallberg will be having sinus surgery on May 3rd. Please keep her in your prayers in the upcoming days and weeks.

Let Kay Michaelson know if you have a prayer request and we will get our faith community to praying for you!

Blessings on your week!

Kay Michaelson



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