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  • Kay Michaelson

LFL Weekly News (Week of 2/20/2023)

February is flying by quickly! Can you believe that we are past the halfway mark for this month? We don't want to seem too optimistic, but those robins may only be weeks away!

Coming Up This Week at Living Faith Lutheran

Sunday, February 26th

  • 10:00 - Faith and Fellowship in the PUCC Youth Room. Come for a cup of coffee and conversation with friends!

  • 11:00 – Worship with Holy Communion

  • 12:00 – Church meeting to approve 2023 budget

Photo of Lenten devotional book and accompanying calendar.
Lenten devotionals and calerndars will be available for pickup during Living Faith Lutheran worship services during Lent.

Lenten devotionals and calendars will be available for pick up. Sign-ups for reading and serving communion, providing food for our Lenten meal, and attending the small group on Wednesday will be out on the table.

Debbie Gibson will be reading Sunday and Sue Stream and Kay Allen will assist with Communion.

Wednesday, March 1st – Lenten Opportunities

  • 5:00 – Lenten Service in the PUCC Fellowship Hall

  • 5:30 – Soup and Sandwich Supper - Fellowship Hall

  • 6:30 – PUCC sponsored small group study – “A New Family – Opening the Door of the Church” by Rachel Held Evans

For our meal, Mark Catton and Peg McAllister are providing the soup, Angela Catton will provide crackers, Debbie Gibson and Karen Schroeder are bringing bottled water, Sharon Utesch, Kay Allen, and Kay Michaelson are making cold meat sandwiches, and Sandy Heeren and Yvonne Law will supply our dessert.

Meeting after Sunday’s Service

The Leadership Team has worked on a budget for 2023 and it will be shared with you for your review and approval. This budget will then be sent on to the Bishop as our final piece for a Mission Developer grant for Living Faith Lutheran.

Last Week; Ash Wednesday Eve Service

Attendance at last Sunday’s worship service was 27 with $1,530 collected in the offering.

23 attended the Tuesday Ash Wednesday Eve service.

Photo of Gail Kass seated at the electric piano.
Gail Kass has been sharing her talent at the piano for worship services.

Thank You!

  • Thank you to Sharon Utesch and Peg McAllister for contributing to the refreshments last Sunday during Faith and Fellowship time!

  • Thank you to Pastor Trish Underberg for the gift of the photo from our naming night!

  • Thank you to Gail Kass who is providing us with live music at our worship service!

  • Thank you to Peg McAllister for loaning us the use of a purple goblet for our communion ware!

You’re Invited!

On Wednesday evenings, following our Lenten meals, the PUCC will be hosting a small group study and Living Faith is invited to join! This study will feature a video presentation with discussion to follow. The title is “A New Family – Opening the Door of the Church”. Here is a description of the thought behind this series: The folks you are shutting out of the church today will be leading it tomorrow. The future is in the margins. If we are resurrection people, are we willing to let the ways of doing Church that do not serve God, ourselves or our neighbors, die? If God throws open the doors of the church, who are we to monitor them, or worse, close them? When the doors are locked and requirements for inclusion are narrow, are we willing to become sanctuaries ourselves?”

There will be a sign-up sheet for attending this small group at church on Sunday.

Digital News!

Living Faith services are now being live streamed on Facebook. There is also a link to the Order of Worship for online followers to use during the service.

Our new website now has a calendar feature you can access by clicking on "News & Events" and scrolling to the bottom of the page. Go to that page by clicking on this link:

You also have the option of adding events to your personal calendar by clicking through the event listing and choosing "Add to Calendar". Take a look at all the activities Living Faith has going on!

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Nick and Melinda Shipley and family as they recover from Covid and for Mark and Cheryl Juhl as they were exposed to it.

  • Please lift up prayers for the Church of the Damascus Road as they mourn the loss of their founding pastor, Carroll Lang, and as the church develops new programming. Please also pray for Pastor Lang’s wife, Judy Lang, as she recovers from a stroke.

  • Please offer prayers of thanksgiving upon the birth of a new grandson, Luca Paul, to Ardis Boetger’s daughter, Mindy.

Blessings to you as you begin your Lenten journey!

Kay Michaelson


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