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Living Faith Lutheran Church serves under the covenant God made with us in Holy Baptism:

  • To live among God’s faithful people;

  • To hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s Supper;

  • To proclaim the Good News of God in Christ through word and deed;

  • To serve all people, following the example of Jesus and to strive for justice and peace in all the earth.

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"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."
(John 3:17)


David Halaas

Pastor David Halaas
Living Faith Lutheran, Le Mars, Iowa
St. Mark Lutheran Church, Sioux City, Iowa


Pastor David Halaas serves as Living Faith Lutheran's Interim Pastor.


Pastor Halaas is serving as an interim/transitional pastor at Living Faith, as this new congregation continues to chart its course for ministry in the Le Mars, Iowa, area. He also serves, full-time, as pastor of St. Mark Lutheran Church in Sioux City (since 2013). Pastor


Pastor Halaas has family roots in Montana and North Dakota, is a graduate of Augsburg University and Trinity Lutheran Seminary, and has served congregations in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Dakota. He is married to Lorna (our Bishop of the Western Iowa Synod!) and they have four children and a famous beagle named Snoopy.


His willingness to serve Living Faith during this transitional time speaks volumes about his love for the church, its members, and the mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We truly are a "church together" and we thank Pastor Halaas from the bottom of our hearts for his time and talents.


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Living Faith Lutheran Church

P.O. Box 1514 | LeMars, Iowa

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